♡Chapter 14♡

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Friday, September 15, 19:10

What if I helped you sneak out?

What- Chase are you serious rn?


But my parents are definitely going to notice:/

You've got a point... but should I come over so that we'll try to think of something together?

That's risky... but how are you going
to get in without being noticed?

I have something in mind...

Should I say "uh-oh" now or later?

I'll be there in 10🥴🥴



Y/n thoughts: How am I supposed to be ready in 10 minutes?!

You rush to your closet and pick a quick outfit: a cute top with chess squares and a pair of cropped jeans.
You brush your hair and put it in a ponytail. You did your make up and put a generous puff of your favorite perfume. Just when you were done and ready to check your phone for new messages, you heard a knock on your window. It was Chase smiling at you and making signals to you to open it. You laughed and opened the window in order he could come in.

Chase: Hey there, Juliet, he smiled.
You: Well hey there my Romeo.  You smiled back and he held your hand, tangling his fingers with yours.

You were looking at each other for some seconds saying nothing.

You: Soo what are we gonna do now?
Chase: You wouldn't consider sneaking out, would you?
You: Not really...
Chase: Any ideas?
You: Um I don't know let me think of something...

You sat on your bed and he sat on your comfy office chair and started spinning.
After some minutes of thinking...

You: Hey! I have an idea... what if we did Netflix n' chill here?
Chase: Isn't your mom going to find out?
You: I guess not... She doesn't come into my room that often
Chase: Then we could try!
You: Should we get some pizza?
Chase: That'd be awesome but... how?
You: I-

*room's door knock*

You grab Chase and he dives under your bed.
Then you sit on your chair and pretend to make a tik tok.
The door opens. It's Sophie.

Sophie: Y/n Y/n! Do you want to play with me?
You: I'm sorry soph, I'm busy...
Sophie: is Chase the reason why you're busy??
You: What?! But Chase isn't her-
Sophie: I'm sure he's the reason.

She grabs your phone and yells at it:

Sophie: What?
You: Sophie I'm not talking with chase on the phone I'm just making a tik tok...
Sophie: okay then...Can I jump on your bed?

You remember chase is still inder it.
Without letting you reply she Jumps on it and starts bouncing up and down.

Sophie: Whyy
You: I just made it!
Sophie: Fine! I'm telling mom you won't let me jump on your bed!
You: Whatever

She leaves and slams the door.

You: Gosh I'm so sorry!*laugh*
Chase: Heyy stop laughing *laugh*
You: Fine whatever.. let me help you get out of there.

When he almost gets out, the door opens again. You push him back in and pretend you're looking for something. It was your mom.

Mom: Y/n, what are you doing down there?
You: My.. airpods fell down and I'm looking for them
Mom: But... they are right here... on your desk.
You: Oh! There they were the whole time! Stupid me! Something else must uave fell and I thought it was the airpods.. Oops *awkward*
Mom: Okay... do you want me to help you find it?
You: Umm sure- OH I FOUND IT! It was this ball right here... now can you get out please?
Mom: Okay good thing that you found it... Just wanted to say.. Sophie has ballet lesson so Imma get her there... I'll be back in a couple of minutes.
Mom: Yes..?
You: Okay you can get her there I'll be fine.. Oh also... Since you're going out and I'm grounded so I can't, could you get me some chocolate from the supermarket?
Mom: Okay sure. But that means I'll be back in half an hour or so...
You: No problem THANKS byeee
Mom: Okay bye!

You close the door and jump on your bed forgetting for one second that chase was still there.

Chase: Hey!!
You: Omg oops
Chase: I'll forgive you this time LITTLEGIRLLL, he said doing an impression of Josh's voice.[from drake and Josh]
You: Oh wow you're good at this.
Chase: I can also do kermit the frog, the sims and many more. Not trynna flex on ya but-
You: That's some pure talent, young man, you said while trying to pull him out.

As soon as he got out, your mom left with sophie, so you were home alone with Chase.

You: So now we can get pizza!
Chase: Yeap.

You call your local pizzeria and make an order. It was there in 15 minutes or so.

Chase brought it up to your room while you had turned the TV on and opened Netflix. He sat on your bed next to you. Right then, your mom came home.

You: Chase, hide the pizza under the bed... He did it, and yourself too, smartass🤦‍♀️

You got out of your room and went to your mom.

You: Hey mom.
Mom: Hello sweetie... here's your chocolate.
You: um GREAT THANKS. Now I'd like to beg you not to go into my room because I would like to relax watching some Netflix on my own...
Mom: Okay. I won't come then I guess.
You: And tell dad and Sophie not to either... okay?
Mom: Alright. Should I tell you good night from now then?
You: yeah sure, good night mom!
Mom: Good night! OH Y/n, honey, why are you wearing so much makeup?
You: I was just taking some tik toks...
Mom: oh okay!

To be continued...

HEY YALL! Last time I said we were close to 4K. NOW WE ARE 4.61K OMG THANK YOUU!💕  So this was a pretty long chapter... I really hope you enjoyed!! If you did, please give this story a star and share it with your friends! Thank you babies🥺🧸

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