♡Chapter 7♡

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The bell rings and all the students head to their classes. As you're walking, Jason stops you.
Jason: Hey, yn..
You: Oh hi..
Jason: Well I saw you today.. with Chase. Are you two a thing or..?
You: No, Chase and I are friends.
Jason: Just friends?
You: Well.. I guess
Jason: Ok so now I can tell you what I wanted to tell you since chase came to this school.
You: What is it?
Jason: I know that since we.. you know.. broke up, we are not talking very much..
You: Yes...
Jason: Before that day we were happy and loved each other.. But I... *sweating* I don't know how to say it... Y/n I miss this. I miss the us. I miss us being together. I miss our relationship. I can't take it that you were holding Chase's hand I'M JEALOUS OK?!
You: Oh my god.. Jason.. I don't know what to say.. I thought that after you dumbed me you stopped having feelings for me and... I stopped too... I mean.. after I met...
Chase: Y/n! There you are! Come on the lesson has started.
You: Oh Jason I'm sorry I have to leave.
Jason: But.. But..
You: Sorry bye!
You and chase walk in the classroom
Teacher: Y/n, where have you been?!
You: I was.. um.. in the restrooms
Teacher: Oh.. ok.. just don't be late again ok?
You: Alright!
The class ends and you walk out. You hear a girl shouting
Indiana: I thought we were friends..
Grace: It's your fault that I broke up with Jason!
Indiana: Oh you can't put the blame on me!
Grace: Well look at me rn!
*walks to Jason*
Grace: Hey Jason I am sorry it was all Indiana's fault not mine.
Y/n thoughts: Should I stop this? Or not? What should I do. Should I not be part of all of this?
*You walk to them*
You: Hey! You can't blame her for nothing!
Grace:You don't know anything!
Indiana: But..
Grace: SHUT UP! What do you know about this Y/n?
You: Everything! Now leave her alone or I'll call the principal
Grace: UGH FINE*leaves*
Indiana: Um.. why did you do this?
You: Because she was lying.
Indiana: Well thanks:)
You: Urm no problem
Indiana: And.. I know I haven't been the best lately.. I'm sorry..
You: Awh it's ok
Indiana: So can we be friends?
You: Sure thing!
Indiana: Cool!
Everyone was looking at you and you see Chase and Alexa getting past the other students.
Chase: Y/n! It's time for the match come!
Alexa: Yeah you too Indi!
They run away and you follow them.
All the other students were going to take a seat and see the match and you went in the changing rooms. The other cheerleaders were already there waiting.
Lea: There you are you two! Quickly! Change!
You and Indi change in your cheerleading outgit and you warm up your hands and legs.
Alexa: Ready?
All: YES!
"So clap your hands now for... THE CHEERLEADERS!"
You all get in. You are so anxious and you start to be unconfident. And you see in the crowd, Loren and Annie Holding a sign: We love you Y/n!
You start to feel better and you see chase with the rest of the team smiling at you. The music starts. The girls started dancing and you did too. You did everything perfect. And it was time for the backflip.. you were shaking a little bit.. you walk in the front and the girls get ready. You look at your friends. Then you look at Chase and then at the cheerleaders. You close your eyes and start. You jump and your feet couldn't feel the ground anymore. You do the backflip and you stand right at the top of the "pyramid" the rest of the girls had made. YOU MADE IT! Everyone stands up and claps. You get down and you look at Jason, He is shouting your name and he looks so glad that you made it! And then you look Chase. He is so happy. His smile is so big and real. And he is clapping. You smile and get back to the changing rooms. All the cheerleaders hug you.
Alexa: You did it!
Indi: Yeah!!
Lea: You are the best!
You: Thanks girls!!
Yall change out of that outfit and go to where the team is.
Payton: Congrats girls you were amazing!
Jason: Yeah congrats!
You laugh.
Chase: It's time for us to change and start playing
He gets his jacket off and wears it on you. And he gets in the changing rooms. You smile.
Lea: Hey.. y/n what was that? A smile when Chase gave you his jacket?  😏
You: What? N-no I mean-
Jason: Get that for giving your jacket to MY Girl.
Chase: YOUR girl?!
Jason: Yeah is there a prob- OUCH!
Chase: You're a liar! *punch*
Jason: BRO THAT HURT! I'll show you..
You go to see what's happening and you see them fighting and punching each other.
You: Guys stop!
Jason: Y/n tell him that you're MY girl
Chase: Y/n what is that jerk talking about?
You: I-
Jason: Shut up Chase!
You: Guys-
Chase: Let her talk!
Jason: Am I the one who's not letting her?
Jason+Chase: Y/n tell him!
To be continued...

A/n: Heyy I am so inactive SORRY! But I managed to upload! Who would you pick? Chase or Jason? Let me know in the comments!

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