Chapter 2

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We approach the platform, where thestrals are waiting at carriages to take us to Hogwarts. Ginny and I set our trunks with our year group, the climb into one of the carriages.


We arrive at the school, and returning students begin to seat themselves at their house table. Ginny and I sit beside each other close to the high table where all the teachers sit, though we don't sit at the very end. It looks like McGonagall has taken the position as headmistress, and all of the previous teachers are back, except Snape and all of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors that I've ever had. There's two new professors as well; one is a woman who looks like she's in her twenties with red hair like the Weasleys; the other is a man who looks to be in his thirties. He doesn't wear the normal 'professor' attire; instead, he wears a white button-down shirt with dark pants, a tweed jacket, black shoes, and attached to his shirt is a cherry red bow tie. Dressed like a Muggle.

"Who do you suppose that is?" Ginny asks, as if reading my mind.

"Not sure. He's new obviously."

"I wonder what he teaches."

I shrug.

As if to answer our question, McGonagall appears at the podium.

"Good evening students. Welcome to Hogwarts! I have a few announcements before we start tonight's meal.

"First, the third flood corridor is strictly forbidden as well as the Forbidden Forest to all students. Also, we have two new professors joining us this year. Ms. Pond, who will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts..." The ginger woman stands and gives a flashing smile. "And Mr. Smith, who will be teaching Astronomy." He stands and gives a slight wave and a mischievous grin, and sits back down. "Let the feast begin."


We finish our meal and then go up to the Gryffindor tower. I decide to sit at a desk and write a letter to Ron. It may be the first day of school, but I can still write him a letter!

Dear Ron -

First day of school passed by as normal. Two new teachers, Ms. Pond and Mr. Smith. Ms. Pond is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, though she seems waaaay too nice for the job. Mr. Smith teaches Astronomy.

Hope you're doing well. Tell Harry I said 'hello'. See you at Christmas.


I seal the letter in an envelope and ask one of the students if I can borrow their owl, and I send it off.

A/N: yes yes I know it's short but you know...forgive me 😂

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