Chapter 2

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When Dallon started the engine of his car a Radiohead song started blaring over the loud speakers, unsurprisingly. "Oops sorry", Dallon said as he lowered the song. I just laughed as I threw my duffle bag in the trunk and walked around to the passenger side of the old Lexus. As we began to drive I started to tap my thumb on my lip, a nervous habit I developed in middle school, it just won't seem to go away. I started to worry about what the other bands would think of me, I mean fuck I was literally meeting all my idols today. I started to slightly freak out in the passenger seat, thankfully Dallon noticed. " Hey dude, everything's going to be fine. This is going to be fun. Hanging out with a bunch of dudes for a few months, might be gross, but fun", he said, while still keeping his eyes on the road. " Everything's going to be great", he finally added with a reassuring nod. For the rest of the drive we rode in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence, just silence.

When we finally arrived at the meeting site (which was just a parking lot with three buses and a plastic cabana) I was horrified. What if the person i looked up to most hates me, what if Tyler Joseph hates me. I couldn't move. Dallon softly touched  my shoulder. " You okay? You got this Rose", he said in a soothing voice. The same soothing voice that got me through high school. The same soothing voice that got me off the bridge. I need to stop thinking.

 I got out of the car abruptly, I could tell it scared Dallon but i couldn't sit in there with my thoughts. I went and got my duffle from the trunk and turned to Dallon who was now behind me. " Hey, sorry, uhm, where do i put this? " i said as I lifted my bag up. My Jansport with all my personal items was already slung over my shoulder. "It's cool, just leave it here till you meet everyone then we can get settled." He said as he glanced over to the cabana. I looked too, there were two people. One was taller than the other by quite a  bit and was dancing slightly? It clicked in my head and i realized the taller figure was Brendon. I still couldn't make out the shorter one though. 

The sound of Dallons truck closing startled  me out of my daze. I was running through everyone the smaller man could be. I still couldn't figure it out and it was frustrating me. " Come on", Dallon said while walking ahead of me, obviously wanting me to follow. So i did. I followed him all the way to the cabana, where I found out the man i was so curious about was none other than Pete Wentz. He was munching on a cheese danish and scrolling through his phone. Brendon immediately went up to me and Dallon. "Hey guys whats up", Brendon said something after that but I didn't hear him. I was just so fixated on Pete. What was i going to say to Pete fucking Wentz. I couldn't just go up to him and say, 'o hey Pete, your pretty cool and stuff, o and i wrote fanfiction about you in middle school haha'. " Brendon nudged me and said," Wanna meet him". I was obviously staring almost directly at Pete, dumbfounded. I nodded in a scared kind of way and let out a fake whimper just for the laughs, which i did get from Brendon.

Brendon walked up to him, Pete that is, " Hey dude I don't think you've met our drummer yet, this is Rose Murphy, Rose this is Pete Wentz."

" O Hey kid, whats's up?", Pete asked as he outstretches his hand. " N-Nothing much, you?", i  said back, shaking his hand. " Haha same. By the way hold old are you, you look really young", Pete asked. " Only 21"

"Woah, when i was your age i worked a minimum wage job. I definitely wasn't touring with a world famous rock band. Kudos to you."

" Thanks", there's almost nothing better than being praised by a personal hero. 

Meeting the rest of Fall out boy went great. Patrick appreciated my fedora joke and joe liked my tro-ham joke. Me and Andy talked about drums for what seemed like hours but was actually only a few minutes. Kenny finally arrived but we new each other from rehearsals and such. At the end of the hour all of us were chatting like an old friend group. Eventually Patrick brings it up, " Does anyone know when Twenty One Pilots is getting here?" Everyone mumbles no's and huh they are taking forever's. A few seconds after that another car pulls up and out walk the two boys from Ohio who saved my life. The two boys how gave me purpose. The boy who made me want to live.


The next chapter i'll get more in depth about meeting tyler and josh i just got tired, sorry. I promise the stories going to get more interesting, i have things planned. Sorry if they'res any grammar or spelling mistakes. I might try to upload early next week idl we'll see. Thanks for reading

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