chapter 10

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We got back to the bus and were immediately greeting with a roaring yell from the back of the bus. Intrigued both me and Tyler followed the noise. "I told you i was a god at mario kart!!" Pete was yelling and Brendon and Brendon looked ready to attack. "I'm just tired you dick!" 

"Oh are we playing Mario Kart, im the best player around you know", Tyler started walking to the controllers and sat down in front of the small T.V. He turned to me and said, " Wanna play while these two idiots battle it out?" I noticed brendon and Pete were still screeching like hyenas. "Sure but I'm gonna beat you so bad, you don't even know whats coming", I walk up and sit next to him, controller in hand. He quickly started the round, him as peach and me as toad. He laughed as we started going around the track, "Really? Toad?"

"What? He's Light and speedy", I said with confidence. As we continued around the track I noticed I no longer heard Pete and Brendon yelling at each other. I was determined to win, I was very competitive. I had laser focus, Tyler seemed to have a different approach. Every time he would come to a straight leg of the track he would smack my controller. " Hey jerk thats cheating", I yelled as i kicked his leg. "What?? What am i doing", He asked as he smacked my hand again. " Aaa Tyler stop!", I scream and laughed. I kicked him again and scooched away from him, just out of reach.

"My bets are on Rose, I've seen her play plus shes beating you so far", Brendon said from right behind us. It was true I was halfway through my last lap and Tyler was just starting his last one. I turned to look at him but he just turned towards me and stuck his tongue out. I laughed a little and said, " Ugh what are you, seven?"

"Actually I'm eleven, so shut the fuck up", that earned a laugh from everyone. Right as Tyler was saying that I finished my lap and won the game. " H A , I  WON", I yelled jumping up from my seating position. " Ah well, I put up a good fight"

"Suuure". We stopped talking and looked at each other for a split second. I looked at his bright brown eyes and looked down at his lips for a split second, then i realized where i was  and who i was with. I took a step back and outstretched my hand to shake his. " Good game", he said as he shook my hand. Then the door busted open and Joe ran in yelling, "Drinks tonight my guys! Who's ready to party? Hey Pete remember that bar we went to last time we were here, wanna go there tonight", he looked up at the rest of the people in the room, Dallon and Patrick had followed him in, "Everyone's invited, of course."

Tyler gave a small smile but then said, "Oh uhm I don't drink"

"Oh dude, neither does Andy. Still come though, we need responsible adults around, plus it'll be fun", Patrick said with a friendly smile. "Oh alright", Tyler looked down at me and shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds fun." I smiled at him and nodded vigorously to show my excitement. 


Hey, uh, sorry. I know to all the people who actually started reading this that doesn't cut it, it's been months. I really will try to get back on schedule. I promise. I don't really have a good excuse as to why except i got kinda bored of the story but i'll finish it, good or bad. I know this author note is long and rambly but i just wanted to say sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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