Chapter Three: Insults From a Moron

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~•[Tord's POV]•~

It's obvious I wasn't getting out of this anytime soon, so I finally gave up. I explained most of what happened over the past few years, leaving out the parts about me leading an army and the fact that I'm homeless. They don't need to know that. They'd just ask more questions anyways.

Once I felt like I'd explained enough, I looked up at Edd as best I could considering blood from the cut on the side of my forehead was still blocking my line of sight, no matter how much I tried to stop it.

"Wow......this is a lot to take in...." Edd stated. If only I could read his facial expressions right now. Though I already know what thoughts his eyes would show about me.

"How do we know he isn't lying about any of this? Some things don't add up here....." Tom glared at me suspiciously. Fuck. Did he know I left out some information?

He started naming events that didn't make sense because they didn't match with any other events. I made up answers, wanting this to be over. I was starting to develop a major headache, and listening to this Jehovah's Witness talk was the last thing I wanted to do. My whole body was sore from running around town and being tossed around like a doll. All I really want to do is rest, but what kind of person would I be if I showed weakness?

Then Matt spoke up.

"Hey Todd."

"It's Tord"

"Todd, what happened to your face? Did you put it in a blender? It looks weird and gross! At least my beautiful face is still intact" Matt said, pulling out a hand mirror from his pocket and smiling.

Sometimes I wonder how often his parents dropped him on his head...

"Matt, I literally just explained all of this. I know you forget stuff, but you couldn't have forgotten that quickly. Not even complete morons are capable of that."

Matt slowly set his mirror down and glared at me. I looked over at Edd and Tom, and they were glaring as well. Were they seriously taking sides with a narcissistic moron?

"Did you just call me stupid?"

"Well....." I didn't know whether to lie to him or not. He may be a moron, but if he's angry, he'll put up quite a fight.

"For your information Todd, I'm BEAUTIFUL! Unlike you, my face is amazing and doesn't make people want to vomit."

Did.....did Matt, the one person you could never trust to remember anything, just come up with a good insult? I'll admit, I myself am a little shocked by this. I don't know why, but those words actually kind of hurt. I'm sure it's nothing.

Then I heard Tom start laughing. I didn't even know he still could laugh. I looked over at him. He was holding his sides and sort of...crying? Were those tears? Did he actually think this was THAT funny?

~•[Tom's POV]•~

Holy hell. I didn't actually think Matt of all people could think of an insult that good. I was dying of laughter, holding my sides because It hurt so much. I know I shouldn't be laughing this much, but something about seeing Tord's shocked face after being insulted by Matt was just priceless.

I sat in a chair near the couch, needing to take a break from laughing so hard.

Edd was busy telling Matt how great that insult was, and Tord was still a bit shocked. Then he had to interrupt this beautiful moment of Matt paying attention to something other than a mirror for more than two minutes.

"So, I explained what happened. Now will you all keep up your end of the bargain?"

I think the commie was referring to how Edd said earlier that we'd heal his injuries if he explained. Though, I won't let him get what he wants that easily.

"Nah. Why should we? You never helped us when we needed it. Plus, it took three times of throwing you at the couch to get you to explain."

I felt proud of my answer. But then Edd had to go and ruin that bit of pride.

"Tom, don't be so rude! You did almost rip his ear off, so how about you take responsibility and help him with his injuries?"

"What?! Absolutely no-"

"Great! Thanks Tom! You're a good friend!" Edd went over to Tord, picked him up bridal style, and tossed him over to me, making him land awkwardly in my lap.

"Oh, and one more thing. If I see any new injuries, I'll lock you two in a closet together until you learn to get along!"

"But Edd, why do I have to-"

"Have fun, you two!" Edd went to his room, Ringo following close behind. Dammit Edd. If he wasn't my friend, I'd have thrown Edd out the window a LONG time ago.

"Nice meeting you, Todd!" Matt smiled like a little kid. He grabbed his mirror and happily skipped away to his own apartment. Guess I'm stuck helping this stupid Commie.

"...So, you heard what Edd told you." He smirked slightly at me.

"Shut up or I'll break all four of your limbs and toss you off the roof of this apartment complex."

"Fair enough"

I picked him up and carried him with me to find the first aid kit. But he didn't seem to like this one bit. Good. No way in hell I'll let him get comfortable now. It's not like he's gonna stay. Even so, I won't let him.

He kept trying to escape, but he was failing horribly.

"Put me down, Jehovah! I can walk on my own!"

"I could fix that issue. Now shut the fuck up and let's get this over with."

"Jeg hater deg så mye akkurat nå..."

"Could you maybe speak in English? If you've got something to say to me, say it in my language."

"I hate you so much right now..."

"Same to you, Commie"

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