Chapter Seven: Kind Strangers

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~•.::[Tord's POV]::.•~

It was taking forever for me to find where the faen the bar was. Heh. Ironic, isn't it? I've been stuck in this town for about five years or more, and I can't even find my way to a goddamn bar.


Ya can't really blame me. I've mostly been sticking to the alleyways and running from the cops, so I haven't had much time to go sight seeing or anything. Oh well. I probably won't ever get that chance now, considering what situation I've gotten myself into now.

Faen. I should just ask someone where it is, but that would most likely lead to me being turned in to the police and then proceeding to possible be executed. So that option is definitely out of the picture.

As I'm walking, I can see a few teens walking and chatting about liquor and rum. Huh. What a coincidence.

Deciding to follow them, I made sure that my hood was up before I continued on. I know I could easily hide in a crowd, but I'm not risking someone recognizing me. I followed them a few blocks or so down the street, pretending to be daydreaming every time they looked back at me. We eventually reached what looked like a bar, some guy standing outside. Probably checking everyone's IDs. There was a term for people like him, but I don't remember it. The group of teens walked up to the guy and showed him what I can only assume were fake IDs. I stayed a safe distance away, not wanting to be recognized. The guy standing in front of the bar looked at their IDs and didn't seem to think that they were real, tossing them aside like yesterday's news. Wow. I never realized how much that analogy is used before...

The teens started arguing with the guy, and while the majority of them were distracting him, one of the teens found something and beaned him over the head with it. Welp. Guess that takes care of that problem. The guy didn't look like he'd be getting up any time soon, so the teens went inside the bar, and I followed.

The inside of the bar wasn't as hectic as I expected, but it was a little crazy. There were people having drinking contests, people watching the women and occasional men dancing on stage, some were singing horrible karaoke and--HVA I HELVETE IS THAT GUY TRYING TO IMPREGNATE A FUCKING TOASTER?!?!

Can I please get a reset button for this day? Because If I didn't get any sleep before, I SURE AS HELL WONT GET ANY NOW!

That poor toaster.

Wait, why am I feeling sorry for it? I tried to put a toaster in the microwave before. At least I wasn't like that guy and tried to put my--OH MY GOD NOW THERE'S THREE GUYS TRYING TO FAEN IT!!!! WHO LET THESE GUYS HAVE AN ORGY WITH A TOASTER?! WHY DID THEY LET THEM DO IT?! WHO'S TOASTER IS THAT?! WHERE THE FAEN DID THEY EVEN GET A TOASTER?!?!

I'm just gonna.....pretend I don't need bleach for my eye now.......

No wonder people get freaked out about me reading hentai....

I should really cut back on that.....



Anyways, what did I come here for again? Oh yeah. a map of the city. I made my way through the mess of people, almost getting trampled on in the process and succeeding in being elbowed in the ribs twice. It took a few minutes, but eventually I reached the place where people were having drinking contests. A tall yet slim guy walked up to me, smiling like a child. "Hello there! How can help you today?" His pupils were both entirely different shapes than what humans normally have, one looking like a goats eye and the other looking like an 'x'. His hair stuck up somehow despite how curly it was, also being close in color to mine. One thing I took notice of was his ears though.....despite the fact that they were more sharp elf ears than anything, the weirdest thing was that he had four of them, the top left one having two thin cuff earrings pierced into it. I say top left because his second set of ears were just below the other ones, albeit slightly overlapping. Strange guy, but who am I to judge. I probably look like a train wreck compared to him.

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