Chapter Nine: The Search

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~.::{NO ONE'S POV}::.~

While the trio went out to search for the devil horned man, things weren't going so well for him. As one can expect, eating human flesh isn't the most sanitary or healthy option to do. But when you're quite literally starving to death, sometimes you quite literally need to take a bite out of life and see what happens. Though the result is not always pleasant.....

Currently, the Norwegian male was laying more towards the back of the alley to stay out of sight. But this was not his only reason. At the moment, he could not bring himself to move any farther, and for good reason. Going so long without eating and suddenly attempting to eat anything can cause great pain. But at the same time, hunger pains can be addicting in a way. But at the moment, you couldn't be farther from the truth. The amount of pain coursing through this man's organs was slowly causing all systems to shut down, leaving him there in the alleyway a very ill mess.

Would he survive? Not even he was sure at this point, and he honestly had a hard time deciding whether or not he cared. Either way, he wasn't doing so great. He was currently laying on the cement ground still, sort of hacking up his insides. You know, just casual stuff. He'll be okay.


Meanwhile, the trio of friends continue to make their way through the town, looking high and low for their devil haired friend. They contemplated asking some of the town's folk(which Matt almost DID do), but they decided against it in order to protect their ex friend. Maybe he didn't deserve protection, maybe he did. None of them were in the mood to really talk about who needed what right now.

Tom was only doing this in order to see Edd happy. Tom may be the most boring person ever when it came to emotions, but he did truly care for his friends quite a lot. Even if he didn't show it.

Matt was also doing this to help Edd, even though he didn't really remember Tord all too well at the moment. His memory had been improving over the past few years though, and he even managed to hold down a steady job. Anyways, he did remember that Tord had insulted him, but he was willing to ignore that right now for Edd's sake.

Edd was obviously the most worried about his friend. He hadn't seen his red hooded friend in so long, and it hurt him to not know what happened to Tord or even if he was doing alright. He wanted to hurry and find his friend before something bad happened to him.

Back at home, poor Ringo was left to do whatever. But RIngo really didn't care. Being alone only means that RIngo has more time to trash Matt's room since Edd made him install a cat door for Ringo. But Ringo would never do something like that, now would you, Ringo?


Egad! Ringo! Don't say that about the readers! That's offensive!


.......Let's just switch the POV. Back to the story....

~.::Vinyl's POV::.~

Ah, work is good today! Ze business is great, lots of kind people coming to order ze drinks, some just stop to say hi. I vonder vhat happened to zat devil horned man. He vas nice man. Hope he made it to his destination. I vonder vhat-

"Oy! Vinyl! You are dazing off again! Please try to focus on your job, okay?"

My thoughts were interrupted by my boss and my boyfriend Reed. He is nice.

"Sorry Reed! I vas just thinking of vhat might've happened to zat red hooded man. I hope he's doing okay. He seemed in bad shape."

"Yes, I wondered that too. Once we're done here, we can go look for him if you'd like."

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