Chapter Four: Back to the Drawing Board

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I continued to carry the commie bastard while looking for the first aid kit, wanting to punch him due to how often he muttered things to himself. Goddamn he's so annoying...

After a few minutes of him trying to escape, I finally found the first aid kit in one of Edd's many secret compartments in the walls he used for storing extra cola. Huh. And here I thought I was the crazy one.

"Can you put me down now, Jehovah? You found the med kit, now I'd like to be free from your alcohol-diseased arms!" He shouted at me, still trying to get away.

"If you keep complaining, I'll fuckin hug the ever loving shit outta ya, you little shit." I wouldn't actually hug him. Fuck that. But it's hilarious to scare the life out of him.

"....Fine. Just get this over with already..."


Patching up his injuries was easier said than done. The commie wouldn't stay still. He kept trying to move away every time I got anywhere near his injuries. After about 20 minutes of fighting with him just to put on some bandages and holding back the urge to just strangle the bitch with them, I finally got most of his injuries patched up. Though the broken nose I couldn't do much about, and frankly, I didn't care. He had bandages over one eye and was holding an ice pack on the other. Ha. Guess Matt finally got his revenge. Good job, you narcissistic cinnamon roll.

~•.:: Tord's POV::.•~

I hate that Jehovah's Witness. It took him forever to let go of me, and when he did, he was in no way gentle about it. Though that's to be expected of Tom.

I hate days like today.....

After we were done fixing up my injuries, Tom went to go tell Edd something. Meanwhile, I decided to look around. I got up and walked around Edd's apartment, looking at the few pictures of the trio of friends that survived the explosion. Heh. Funny. I was once a part of that group. It's funny how one wrong move can mess up everything for everybody.

I must've been staring off into space for a while, because the next thing I knew, someone had elbowed me in the ribs. To add to the pain, I didn't have much fat or thick layers to protect me, so it felt like a sledgehammer was just tossed at me.

"Wake up, sunshine. Stop staring off into space and go home. It's late, and none of us wanna babysit you." It was Tom. Lovely.

"Yeah. Sorry Tord, but we have our own lives to attend to. Maybe we'll see you around sometime?" Edd sounded like he didn't want to do this. Oh well.

"Wait, commie. Do you even have a home? You look like shit. And that's just putting it nicely."

"Gee thanks, Jehovah. Glad to know you still care. Anyways yes, I do have a home. I'm staying with a friend of mine."

"Honestly I'm surprised anyone would wanna be friends with someone like you."

That actually hurt a little. I don't know why. Maybe I'm sick or something. Yeah, that's it.

"If we're done here, I'll be going now."

"Good riddance, ya commie bastard."

"Nice to see you too, Jehovah."

"Bye Tord" Edd stated simply, waving as I left his apartment. I can't believe my lies actually worked. Now then, where to go from here......

I headed out of the apartment complex, walking down the street. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care. All I knew was that wherever I ended up, it would be far away from here.

I can't risk being found again. If I do, it most likely won't end well. I can't risk it.

I won't risk it.

Not again.

Not while he knows I'm still alive.

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