Announcements, Announcements, Announcements (bwoop ;) )

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  • Dedicated to A dedication that is too long for this little box - and of course, Neil Gaiman's

Firstly off, this is dedicated to all of you. Yes, you. Every one of you is different, but all of you have one thing in common, and that is that you decided to read my first Marvel fanfiction, Beauty and the Hulk. I thank every single one of you deeply, whether you comment, vote, or just enjoy.

Moving on.... I am pleased (very pleased) to announce to you that BATH (thank Letsallbefriends for that catchy nickname - and this is doubly for you, daaaahling - :* ) is only one in a series of Marvel-based fairytale retellings. See, I was thinking how fun this project is, and how much I'd love to adapt another well-known story, and then Punchodex (woooh, woooh! Yeah, she's awesome) and I were chatting and she helped me out with the idea for book 2, which is.... Well, it will be some sort of version of Robin Hood (probs modern). Hawkeye will be the man himself, the man who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, with the Avengers as his band of Merry Men. Loki is the bad guy (why can I never remember his name? Someone jog my memory), with, finally, Black Widow as Maid Marian (I have a special twist planned. You will love it.) And then I was out in my yard, playing with the goats (you're going, what? A story for another time. : ) ), and I got ANOTHER brilliant idea. Book 3 (and the end, unless I get any more good ideas) is a Little Red Riding Hood story with the Scarlet Witch and Wolverine (do I have to explain this? Really?) They will probably end up falling in love in the end. Not too sure. I literally just got the idea a couple of hours ago and refined it a few minutes ago. So, anyway, if anyone would like to make me a cover, feel free. I want lots of options (and consider that I don't really know what I'm doing, so your cover should be rather vague. Stick to my plot summaries here.) I'm super-excited for this, so make sure to keep reading....

Since I have your attention, I would like to tell a brief (lives - ha, Sandman references!) For mostly all of my previous life, I floated through it, blissfully (and sadly) unaware of comics and all the greatness that they had to offer. Then: flash-forward to May of two years ago. I discovered The Dark Knight, and, therefore, Batman. After Mad Love and Other Stories, I was genuinely hooked on comics and all other things Batman. Now, I am a DC girl at heart (myobsession with many things Vertigo helps me continue being the "bad daughter" or black sheep of my four-person family), and I continuously knocked Spider-Man for being "lame". However, my very good friend (Macewindu931) is an X-Men fanatic, and we always discussed comics (this one time in gym class....Basically she explained the entire M-Day thing and we debated if the power to alter reality was cool or not. All while running. Or at least slowly jogging across a field of wet grass), and the day she lent me 1602 (NEIL GAIMAN FANGIRL FREAKOUT - AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!) was the day that changed my entire viewpoint. DC still wins on the coolness front because of Batman and Vertigo, but Marvel has cooler heroes overall. Ok. And I saw Avengers (which is what inspired me to write BATH), and then Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield is cool because he was on Broadway, and because he is a very attractive individual. Capiche?), so now I am ok with Marvel. The End.

In closing, this is for many people. I shall give them their own bulleted list.

 * Letsallbefriends - Oh, gosh, what can I say? You made my freakin' cover, which is rockstar quality. We chat all the time telling each other how awesome we are. YOU READ MY FANFICTIONS (and I yours). I truly have a friend in you. :)

* PanicWithVanity - You helped me with research when I needed it, and for this, I thank you.

* Punchodex - Why is your brother not reading this? (Because it's girly. And he is a manly man. Right. :D) Well, you aren't reading this either, probably, but you are the one who was there when I made my first breakthrough. And I Internet-shouted at you about N and Count Doom in 1602. And maybe also Sandman. But that's understandable. You are fabulous, and I love you like a friend.

* Macewindu931 - First, this is a public apology for not finishing The Batman's Daughter script. I have been busy. Plus, I need to learn how to write a comics script. Very sorry. I will bow and kiss your feet now. Thank you for bringing me 1602 and Origin and helping me discover Daredevil with the former. Well, thank you for a lot of things. Putting up with me is the big one. And we have to get sister dear into reading comics. She saw Spider-Man and Avengers, so I think she can be a big girl and crack open a graphic novel. Also, I really, really need your help with these next two books. Some recommended reading material and quick briefing on characters and such would be so nice?

* Everyone else - Sorry, I don't know all of you that well. But that can be changed. ;) Thanks for sticking with me all this way. Hope you stay around for the next two books. Your reads, votes and comments make my day.



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