07. He Thinks He's Prince Charming (1)

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I feel like such a hypocrite. I'm trying to help my best friend by agreeing to go to a party with her ex. I'm probably doing more harm than good, but there's no going back now. 

"So what did he say?" Mel asks me, when I return to my seat with a lunch tray. I know she's asking about Ryder. I decided to trust her with this one, especially since it was her idea. 

"He's in," I tell her. I don't know if Ryder is really a man of his word, but I don't have a plan B.

It's already fifth period and neither of us have seen April anywhere. It isn't like her to cut class, but I can't blame her if she's not feeling up to facing everyone just yet. High school is a battle field, and once you mess up like she did at the party last weekend, kids are brutal. With all her Ryder drama last year, April knows that better than anyone. 

Mel unscrews the cap on her Snapple iced-tea. "I told you he'd do it if you asked." 

"It wasn't because I asked," I say, matter-of-factly. "It was because I agreed to do something for him in return." 

Mel's eyes widen. "I really don't like the sound of that." 

"Well, he didn't ask me to sleep with him or anything," I mumble. Mentioning Ryder and sex in the same sentence makes me a bit uncomfortable. Ick. I don't even want to think about it. 

Mel turns red and looks down at the lunch table. Something tells me it doesn't have to do with Ryder.

"What is it?" I ask. 

"Hm, nothing," she answers a little too quickly. I give her a disbelieving look. Usually it's me trying to cover things up in front of her, but this time it's the other way around. 

"So what did Ryder want you to do?" She asks, obviously trying to avoid my questioning. It's weird because 99% of the time, Mel loves to talk 

"We can talk about that later," I retort, "whatever's up with you must be serious." 

She sighs. "Okay fine. But you can't tell anyone." 

"I'd have no one to tell, anyway." 

"Not even April." Her voice is serious. I'm beginning to worry.

"Not even April," I repeat, trying my best to be convincing. "You know I can keep a secret." 

Mel gives me a small smile. "I told my mom that I slept over at Brielle's house Saturday night and forgot to call, but I actually went back to Matt's place." Her face contorts in an almost painful way, as though she feels guilty about lying. 

"I mean, I guess we were both a little out of it, with the alcohol and stuff, and things got kind of heated. Like, at first we were just making out, the usual, but I don't know, clothes started coming off and I woke up the next morning in his bed." 

"Oh my god," I breathe.

"The worst part is I barely remember any of it. He said I was great but ohmigod, I had no idea I was capable of doing something like that. I always thought we'd wait a while, before we, you know, slept together." 

I don't know if she's looking for my approval, or my advice, or whatever, but I'm not about to act like this is a good thing. "Did he wear a condom, at least?" 

"Of course! Matt says he always carries one in his wallet. But he said I should go on the pill, just to be doubly-safe," she tells me. Her voice is way too casual. If her boyfriend carries around condoms all the time, doesn't that kind of send a message? I doubt Mel is the first girl he's slept with, and even now, I doubt whether she's the only one. 

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