19. He'll Keep Secrets

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Teachers always have a way of interfering with our daily lives much more than they realize. Like seriously, Mrs. Samo-o-crackhead? You had to assign an AP Lit project the day after I realize that I have a crush on the boy sitting next to me?

I nearly passed out when she told us that that we had to work with our class partner—no ifs, ands or buts.

Ryder leaned over and said, "I guess you're stuck with me."

I pretended to be upset about it.

But right after school, I meet up with Rachel in the parking lot and explain the situation.

"Sounds like fun," she says, but there's sarcasm beneath her words. "So you told your mom you'd be at my place?"

"Yeah," I reply, adjusting my book bag on my shoulder. "I mean, I didn't lie. Technically you and Ryder live in the same house."

"Ugh, don't remind me," she groans, throwing her Michael Kors shoulder bag into the back seat of her car. I do the same with my book bag, although it isn't nearly as nice as hers.

I'm in the process of getting into the front seat of Rachel's car when something stops me.

Or someone, rather. 

"You should so ride with me instead," says none other than Ryder Hayes, who casually pulls up next to Rachel's car on his motorcycle.

"I think I'd rather get there in one piece," I joke, but in reality I'm just afraid of what I might do if I'm left alone with him. I have this tendency to embarrass myself in more ways than I thought possible.

"C'mon, don't be such a girl," he retorts, cocking his head to the side and smirking. 

"Well I kind of am one," I inform him. 

"Really? I couldn't tell." 

Before my brain can even register what he means, I whack him in the arm with the back of my hand. "Now I'm definitely not going with you, jerk." 

Ryder rolls his eyes at me and puts on his helmet. I'm surprised that he doesn't argue. "See you guys at home, then." His voice is a muffled, but he doesn't stay and chat for much longer.

I cover my ears with the palms of my hands as he drives off, making the loud rumble of the motor more bearable. 

I don't notice Rachel staring at me until a few seconds later, when I plop down in the passenger's seat and put on my seat belt. 

"You shouldn't make it so obvious," Rachel tells me, as she puts the key in the ignition. 

"What do you mean?"

"You were totally checking him out," she laughs, her eyes wide. 

I furrow my brows and make a face, "Pfft, no, I was just..." I pause for lack of words, "I was—"

"Don't bother trying to cover it up," Rachel says. "And for the record, you're a terrible liar." 

I groan. She's said that to me multiple times before. So, I'm not naturally good at deceiving people. That isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Don't tell me you're starting to like him," she adds, raising her eyebrows at me. 

My mouth hangs ajar for a moment before I slump back in my seat, defeated. "Is it really that obvious?" I squeak, sounding much more timid than I'd intended. 

Rachel's face contorts in a grimace. "But you can do so much better."

I roll my eyes. Obviously, she isn't any more 'team AJ and Ryder' than Mel is. It would be nice to have supportive friends, for once. 

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