1 - He Couldn't Forget That Little Boy

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Lance loved dinner. In fact, he loved all meals and most foods in general. Not as much as Hunk, of course. But he still adored food and meals and cooking. Perhaps it had something to do with his large family and how he would help his Mama cook and eat with his siblings and joke and laugh. It was always dinner nights he adored with his family, so it was dinner he loved the most. A Voltron dinner was no exception.

He walked in to the large dining room. There were far too many chairs for their small company, but it only added to the great room of the Castle. He slightly admired this as well. He lived in a small and cramped house with multiple people. He didn't get privacy or room and now that was all he received. Some moments it was nice and others times he despised it. But he enjoyed it for Voltron dinners.

"What cuisine have you prepared for me today, Hunk?" Lance asks as sits eagerly in his chair. He sits at the edge of the table with Allura side ways to him and Pidge to his right. Shiro sat directly across from him.

"Just be patient, Lance. You won't be disappointed with this one." Hunk comments as he brings in a couple platters and places them down. They're covered by a silver top that prevents anyone from seeing what's under. Hunk is wearing his usual cooking attire. An apron that says, "Real Men Cook" and a tall, puffy, white chief hat that fit him perfectly.

"I never am." Lance replies in angst. He is just so happy and in such a great mood today and didn't plan on ruining that streak now.

"Look who decided to join us?" Shiro teases playfully as he looks behind himself.

Lance looks as well to see Keith walking in. He seems in an tiring mood. He doesn't seem upset or angry, he's just tired. He seems hopeless, like he's given up on even trying. He's emotionless. It's a familiar expression Lance has seen before and on occasion. He starts thinking back to the first time he saw that expression.

It was the first day of Flight school. Lance knew only a few of the students there due to them being in a previous school or living close to him. Most of the faces he saw were fresh and interesting. He hadn't any idea what the future had in store for him with these kids, but he hoped for only the best.

Most of the kids were dropped off at the door by their parents. They weren't children, of course. But this was a complete change for most if not all of the kids and a lot to take it. Everyone had their parents drop them by the door. Lance's parents as well as his grandparents had dropped him off. He really did love his family.

Now all he could do was sit in his chair and wait for the first day to begin. He sat fairly far in the back of the class. He loved attention, he really did. But he wanted to make some friends first. He wanted to feel comfortable before getting to be himself. He knew it wouldn't take long.

A majority of the kids had been dropped off and were taking their seats. The last few kids walked by the door and hugged their parents goodbye. Soon the day would begin and Lance was so prepared.

Although, he couldn't help but notice the last kid to come in. There was no parents at the door with him. There was no Mother or Father or even an older sibling. There was nothing there for him and he stood in front of the entry all alone. He wasn't sulking, or mad. He seemed neutral to it all, but a hint of exhaustion waved over him. Mentally, not physically.

He dragged his feet like weights over to a desk a few rows up from him and to the left. He watched him sit down and immediately lean in to his hand and stare out the window. Lance couldn't read this boy and that bothered him slightly. He's fairly good with people and a challenge wasn't something he enjoyed.

Although, it was that day that Lance felt it. He felt the spark in his heart as he watched the boy move. He felt the flutter in his stomach when he spoke during roll call. He felt the crush starting to form and he knew this boy would be the death of him.

Lance looked back up at Keith. Lance saw the same little boy standing beside Keith, holding his hand tightly. It made Keith seem younger than he actually was. It made it seem as if he had never grown up. Like he had stayed a child for the rest of his life. But he hadn't. He had matured and grown in amazing ways.

But Lance still saw the same broken child standing there.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come sit and eat with us, Keith." Shiro gladly encourages him. Keith doesn't respond much. He simply nods and takes a seat next to Shiro. No one else seemed to notice or remember the expression on Keith's face. Lance felt alone in this suddenly small room with only Keith and himself. Was Keith aware of this as well?

"Let me show you what Chef Hunk as prepared for you tonight." Hunk prepared to show off.

But Lance didn't seem much interested that night. He didn't seem enthusiastic at the reveal or pleased with the food. He picked at his food and didn't eat much. He snuck glances to look at Keith but never said anything to him. In fact, he didn't say much all of dinner and no one really seemed to notice.

But the little boy seemed to notice.

He couldn't forget that little boy.

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