Chapter 6

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AN: Hello, long time no see *nervous chuckles*

Perrie's POV:

     Why is life so confusing? One minute you're happy and the next you aren't. Why couldn't life be simpler? Jeez! I should probably stop wallowing in my own self pity and grow the fuck up. These last two weeks I've spent either lying around or working on schooling but nothing is really ok, ya know?

    Ever since what happened between HER I've felt sad. I know.. scratch that, I think it wasn't love yet but why do I feel so sad over a silly little crush?

      I get up and decide maybe a walk is what I need. I pull on a t-shirt, some shorts, and sneakers.

     When I open the door of my home, I can practically taste the fresh air. So refreshing. I make my way around the block and stop to get some ice cream and instantly reminded of HER but I simply brush it off and do what I always do. Pretend to be ok. And I mean, the ice cream helps too.

   This is my boring life, doing basically nothing. It sucks to know how attached I'd gotten to someone in only a few weeks. Pathetic honestly.

    When I return home from my much needed walk, I notice more flowers in my kitchen counter. I sigh, already knowing who they are from.   

     As I'm about to go upstairs towards my room my mother descends down the steps, "Perrie, you got sent some more flowers, whoever is sending them must be smitten, love!" she states.

    I chuckle to myself and can't help but be amused, "It's nothing mom, you can just throw them out."

   "Of course I'm not throwing them out! If you don't like the sender then it's fine but it's still free beautiful flowers!" My mother laughs.

    "Ok mom, knock yourself out. I'm gonna go take a nap" I simply shrug, as I walk up the steps.

Jade's POV:

      I constantly sit and wonder what she's doing, if she's ok, and why life is so cruel.

      I should've know life was going way to smoothly for me to simply glide bye.

     I've tried calling, tried letting her know that it's all a messy misunderstanding and that...I think I love her.

   Not once in my life can I recall being such a sap, I'm almost making myself cringe to tell you the truth.

    But that's what love does! Well I guess, since I've never been lucky enough to experience it before now.

     When Danielle, my ex, kissed me I was shocked. I'm pissed at myself because I even kissed her back. I can't tell you why, I just know it was wrong. This woman fucked up my life once before I refuse to allow ot to happen again!  

     At one point in my life I thought(key word) she was the love of my life, that she was gonna be my wife! At the time I was so naive to realize that the world is simply a money hungry place! Although I could've sworn Danielle wasn't like that, after all, why would someone who love's me betray me?

    Obviously that wasn't case and I realized that after I caught her with not one but two people in OUR bed in OUR home. I've never felt so betrayed as to see my wife having a sex in a place I thought we were gonna build a family.

    Long story short I sold my house and ended it with my so called "love of my life".

    That day I decided enough was enough, I was gonna talk to Perrie one way or another to prove to her I loved her.

     I picked up some chocolates and some pizza to take Perrie's because I know how much she loved food. I figured her mom had to have been at work so it would just be her home and to be honest that sounded perfect.

    As I was driving I couldn't hold my excitement to see my love. But I was nervous, I knew this was not gonna be a easy feet, I know how it felt to be cheated on and I couldn't bare the thought of her dealing with that pain.

     As I pulled into the driveway and parked, I knew it was now or never. I knocked and waited. "Jade?" she gasped.

                  To be continued.....

WOW! Long time no write. I just wanna say I'm sorry! From the bottom of ice heart, I can't begin to explain why I fell off the map but all that aside, how's the chap? Let me know please! Vote,comment, anything! I appreciate it! 



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