How You Meet/First See Each Other

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Archie- You just moved to Riverdale over the summer, excited to start anew but also nervous to see what the high school was going to be like and what group of friends you where going to click with. You where walking around town when you came across a little diner in front of a railway. Feeling that it would be fine for you to go in a maybe get something to eat you opened the door and was immediately greeted by a larger and older man with a warm smile. "Welcome to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, you can just find a table and I'll have someone be right with you." He said kindly, you nodded and sat at a booth by the big windows. "Can I get you something?" A pretty woman asked with long brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. "A strawberry milkshake please." You said with a smile as you got comfy in your seat, you looked out the window and saw a car pull in. A tall boy got out and walked to the building, his red hair being the first thing got your attention. When he walked in he gave the woman who worked there a bright smile as he grabbed a paper bag. 'Oh no.' You thought to yourself as you watched him walk out.

Veronica- Running late to the Vixens first practice of the year you ran down the halls, almost out of breath as you tried to get to the gym. As you rounded the corner you bumped into someone and fell to the floor with a loud smack. 'Good thing most everyone is home already so not a lot of people saw that.' You thought to yourself as you tried to get up. "Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't think anyone would be in the halls!" You heard a girls voice call out. You looked up and saw the raven haired girl you must have bumped into and noticed that she too was in the River Vixens practice uniform. "Oh it's ok, I shouldn't have been running in the halls anyway." You shrugged it off laughing. She smiled and let out her hand to lift you up. "The names Veronica by the way, this is my second day." She said and you just nodded with a smile. "(Y/n)." You introduced yourself as you grabbed her hand.

Betty- You sighed as you picked up all your papers that where all over the hallway, you began to regret ever confronting Chuck about fuck-boy tendencies as now you where paying the price. Him and his hooligans passed by and decided to take your binder and dump all of it's contents all over the hallway floor. "Need some help?" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you. Betty. You had never actually talked to the girl, but you'd be lying if you said her 'innocent school girl' vibes and her bright aura hadn't caught your attention. "Uh well if you have a second to spare then yeah, I could use some help." You answered, not bothering to turn around but continuing to pick up papers. After the two of you where done she handed you the last pile with a sweet smile, her bright blue eyes staring right into your (e/c) ones. "My names is Betty I don't think we've met yet." She said. "No we haven't, I'm (Y/n)."

Jughead- You looked at him from across the class room, you had the window seat just soaking up all the sunlight, and he sat in the far corner lapping in the darkness. You quickly got up when the bell rang and followed him out of the class and into a different room. "You know when you are trying to follow someone, the point is to make sure the person doesn't notice." He said as he turned around to face you, pulling his laptop out of his bag and placing it on the table. You looked at him with a sheepish smile. "Sorry." You apologized with a slight chuckle as you looked around at the bulletin board the had a couple pieces of paper on it having to do with Jason's murder, and then back to him. "Do you need some help? I know you have Betty helping but I could do something." You asked, he just stood there and stared at you. "Well first of all you could help by giving me your name." He said with a smirk. "Oh! It's (Y/n)!" You said laughing as he began explaining to you what it was him and Betty where up to.

Cheryl- "Alright listen up! This is homecoming and we are going to be the best we can be tomorrow night and I need all of you to focus!" You could hear the familiar voice of the red headed Queen B as she stood in the gym yelling at the other River Vixens. You tugged nervously on the bottom of your shorts as you started to panic because you where running just a couple minutes late to practice. You took in a deep breath and snuck in the door and quickly sat down sighing in relief as she was busy talking to another girl and her back was turned to you. Practice went around as usual, it was your first week of school but it wasn't to difficult to get the hang of things. As practice ended you started getting your stuff together but stopped as you felt a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n). Where the hell were you?" Shit. She caught you. "Sorry I was just-" Cheryl cut you off. "I don't want to hear it, if you mess up tomorrow night not only will you disappoint the team but personally you will disappoint me too. #RiverdaleStrong!" She finished her threat with a happy smile as she curtly turned around and walked off. Personally? What the hell does she mean by personally?

Sweet Pea- You groaned as the teacher continued to talk about God knows what and in the midst of rolling your eyes you caught a pair of brown ones staring at you. Great, you thought to yourself as you looked at him. First the Southside Serpent kids decide to come and invade your school and now one of them is staring at you as if you were just some piece of candy. You looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows, flipping him off before turning back to the teacher and trying to focus on the lesson. After the class ended you tried to shove you stuff in your bag as quickly as you could so head to your next class but someone grabbed your bag before you could finish. "Hey there, I never thought a babe would go to this school." You looked up in complete annoyance and sighed. "Save it delinquent I don't want to hear your bullshit." You responded as you pulled your bag out of his grasp. "Names Sweet Pea." He said with a smirk as he winked at you before you walked out of the room.

Toni- I want her hair, you thought to yourself as you looked at the back of the head of one of the new Southside kids. You always wanted to dye your hair but never had guts to do it, you where to worried it would come out bad and on top of that your mom would kill you if you came home with pink hair, but damn it was beautiful. The girl turned around and looked at you with sheer unamusement. "Stop fuckin staring at me." She said a little rudely and you could feel yourself panic a little. Oh shit what do I do, you though to yourself as you scrambled to get words out of your mouth. "Oh, uh sorry." You said quietly and felt embarrassment roll over you as she turned back around. After class you felt someone grab your shoulder harshly as you walked down the hall and pull you to face them. You never noticed but you where a little bit taller than her. "Why the hell where you staring at me so intently earlier in class?" She asked as she looked up at you. "Oh! I'm sorry about that I never realized I was until you said something, it's just that I really like your hair." You gushed out, her intimidating glare acting like a truth serum. Her grip on your shoulder lightened as she scoffed a little, "thanks. My name is Toni by the way." She said with a small smile. You smiled back, "I'm (Y/n)."

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