stop it.

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Stop it
Stop it
Stop it
I told you once, I told you twice
Stop it
Please just stop
Please just stop
Please just stop

Why are you still going?
I thought I told you to stop
Why do I have to repeat myself?
I thought I trusted you
Why aren't you listening?
I thought you loved me
Why aren't I pushing you away?
I thought I was smarter than this
Why aren't you caring?

I thought you did
I thought you did
I thought you did.

After you left my naked body
It felt so cold.
I felt like I was already dead.
I feel like Im already dead.

How did I find beauty in the ugly?
How did I find love in the hate?
How did I find heat in the cold?
How did I find happiness in the sadness?
I thought when I found you it answered all things
But instead, it has only left me guessing
Thanks to you,

I hate you,
Thanks to you,
I hate me,
Thanks to you.

- Kayla Martin

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