Seven Is The Beginning

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For the very mind of God, is Seven;
So it will start at Seven.

The TRUMPET Festival is the beginning,
ATONEMENT is succeeding,
TABERNACLE is moving,
To the next Festivals of Everlasting...

The PASSOVER is coming,
After the Heart searching,
To place the SEAL OF GOD
To His Chosen Bride Who
Passed from the UNLEAVENED BREAD
To partake as the FIRSTFRUIT harvest

Then, the PENTECOST is next!
To receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For those who are chosen to do so, 
And to guide those needy and fainted-heart.

After the 3 1/2 years under Tribulation
Is their awaiting ASCENSION!

THE LORD is the Beginning and
THE LORD is the Ending. Amen.

IKAWTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon