The Tree

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I woke up to the sound of our alarm clock beeping. Once I had turned the alarm off, i turned over and shook Jax until he woke up. "What time is it?"


"A.M. or P.M."

I glared at him. We both got dressed and got ready. When we went downstairs Jax immediately went to grab his favorite bowl. It was a larger bowl with the text "I LIKE TO SPOON"

We both had breakfast and headed off to do our jobs, Jax would set up and clean the counter in the store and I would go and care for the plants and check the other wares that we had for sale. We would do this until the shop opened at nine A.M.

Then Jax would stay at the shop until around one while I was out gathering ingredients or making more objects for the store. I even enchanted some objects with useful things. After the four hours of work we met up for lunch and worked on checked the website for online orders and made a list of what needed to be sent out.

Then around three I gathered all of the orders and tagged them with the location they needed to go and started to use a teleportation spell. While it was only three things being sent, they were all large orders. Ten pounds of neutralized belladonna leaves, four gallons of enchanted water, and finally one enchanted vase. Each was about a thousand dollars, including shipping. Overall not a bad day but still fairly few people come in shop anymore, most likely with the increase of cursed trees spreading in the forest that surrounds the shop and nearby towns.

I heard Jax calling me over to the front of the shop. I walked over and saw a tree sprouting and growing very quickly, I immediately started pulling it out of the ground and told Jax to grab some enchanted water from the basin in the greenhouse. It stopped growing as quickly as it was when I touched it but it still was an alarming rate. Jax ran back out with the bucket of water and dumped it on the sapling and it started to wither and finally I pulled it out of the ground. I then destroyed the remains of the sapling and turned to Jax. "Cursed trees don't grow that quickly."

"I know"

"Then you know someone did this."

He nodded. We had to be more cautious. I set up an alarm system that would go off if any taint or polluted mana has been brought onto the property.

Hi its Wolf again, sorry for the wait!  I didn't expect four whole people to read this...

Anyway I still haven't chosen a name for the narrator so in the comments go ahead and leave some ideas!

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