The Fall

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The next morning Jax and I were exhausted. We headed downstairs to find a bunch of fresh fruit on the table and floor, and a tree branch was coming in through the window. I walked over and directed the branch out after thanking it for the fruit. After Jax and I had a meal of assorted fruits I checked the list of orders that had come in. I was shocked, there were several orders. When Jax saw his jaw dropped, we usually never have more than two or three.

We collected ourselves and finished breakfast, we got ready and Jax headed out to the store. We did need to go to a grocery store, we were running out, save for fruits of course. Once Jax left I got working on the orders. Most of them were fairly straight forward. One order was for a basic spellbook, witch means someone is learning how to manipulate energy. I remembered when I was first learning to control my energy and most of the time it didn't end well, but that's the past. I eventually tagged it and moved on. Next on the list was a dozen saplings of various trees. It took a while to bring them all together but I got it done. Then I collected ten pounds of gleamstone for the next one. I worked mindlessly through the next few and the final one was a bit more challenging, 50 fluid ounces of peppermint oil. Peppermint isn't a usual order and isn't a prominent potion ingredient so it wasnt in the greenhouse. Luckily I remember there being some in the clearing. I packed a bag for the treck and headed out.

As I was making my way through the forest the trees started to whisper, I stopped and asked what was going on. The tree told me of an unexpected guest that was coming down the path. I asked the tree to tell the others not to engage unless they seem dangerous. It shuddered and pulled its consciousness away. I continued on my way questioning what could be going on...

After another hour of walking I entered the clearing and put down my bag. I started looking for the small sprigs of peppermint that I seen before. After some time i came across the small field of peppermint. I ran back to my bag and grabbed the container I had packed to hold the oil. I sat down at the edge of the field and started to pull at the small consciousnesses of the sprigs and ask for their oil. There was about two hundred of the sprigs with a ton of different answers the majority allowing me to do so. I pulled from the sprigs that agreed and started filling the flask.

After an hour I had gathered about half of the order and filled up my flask. I started to head back home and got there at a decent time for where I was, and saw Jax's bag on one of the chairs in the kitchen. I walked into the living room and saw Jax just laying on the ground. He sat up when I walked in and said hi, but eventually stood up during our conversation. I told him I only got half of the peppermint oil and had to go back out.

He grabbed his bag and his shoes and started walking towards the door. I asked what he was doing, and he said that he would join me on my way back to the clearing. I quickly grabbed another flask and ran after him. I caught up quickly and surpassed him with little effort. Once I got a dozen yards away he called out for me to slow down and started panting. I ran back and walked with him all the way to the clearing. It took a bit longer with Jax tagging along, but more enjoyable.

We got to the clearing while the sun was getting close to the horizon when we got there. I ran over to the sprigs and went through the same conversation as before. I was able to fill the flask within an hour and when I stood back up I saw Jax asleep using his bag as a pillow. It was fairly late, so I don't blame him, but I can't carry him. I would try and wake him up if it weren't for the fact that he sleeps like the dead.

I gathered all of our stuff and focused on our bed. In a burst of energy I teleported us to our room. I was able to get Jax on the bed, however i was off by a foot or two and I landed on the floor with a dull thud. I ended up just getting in bed next to Jax without getting ready, i was exhausted after all.

So...  I know its been a month...  Shut up...

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