Chapter 3

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It's only been a week of training and I feel like sheet. My body is beyond sore and working is torture, my skin is so sensitive if just someone brushes up against me it stings. Rukia has been acting super suspicious of me but I tell her that its just me preparing for my run. I placed the order on the counter and told Rukia I was going on break. I sat at the back table and jammed to some music like I always did but someone caught my eye. An old grumpy looking man walked in, he was covered in scars and had long snow white hair. Rukia seemed to know him and escorted him to the back. I watched as the man walked past me, he glanced and have me a strange look. I shrugged it off and went back to work.

Renji was helping me with the grill and he wouldn't stop talking about his love life. It was actually quite annoying, hes dating our boss who is also Rukia's brother. "What did you do last night?" I stopped and thought about what I did other than get my butt kicked by a blueberry, which was sleep. I sighed as I flipped a hamburger patty into a bun "Well... That is a great question." He smirked "Hey! Rukia! Ichigos got a girlfriend!" I hit him in the arm and growled "No I dont! You know I'm gay, right?" His face turned beat red "N-no..." Then he busted out laughing " Sorry!! " I just have up on him then the door to Byakuyas office opened. He had a serious look on his face, but that's nothing new, as he walked out with that old dude. "Captain Yamamoto.?" I heard Renji whisper and I tilted my head " Who? " he jumped and almost landed in the grill swinging his arms around "No one!" I frowned and continued with my job so I wouldn't get into trouble.

My shift just ended and I honestly feel like crap, my chest stings and my head is spinning. I went to scratch my chest but there was nothing there, my eyes widen and I ran into the bathroom. My skin was going pale and my eye had changed colors, I pulled my phone out and called Grimmjow "Hey." "Grimm i need you to come here, I'm losing control." my voice was changing too. "On my way." I sat on the floor and started to hyperventilate ' What if someone comes in here? What if Rukia sees that I'm a monster!?' I thought. I felt like crying, I didn't want anyone to know that I'm a monster, I don't think I would be able to handle it. A tear rolled down my cheek "I'm scared." I whispered and bit my lip. ' don't cry.' "Hey ichi." I heard a deep raspy voice and immediately shot my head up " Grimm! " I leapt up and gave him a giant hug just as my horn started to form. He held me right up against him and for some reason I felt safe. "I guess we have to work on controlling your self more." I smiled "Yeah." next thing I knew was that we were at his place and in his room. I let him go and looked around, it was so plain but extremely clean.

White walls and black furniture and one window. I heard a meow and looked down to see an army of cats, and I'm not kidding. There had to have been 15-20 cats staring at me with blue, green and yellow eyes. I busted out laughing and I slowly turned back to normal "Its an army of cats!!" I laughed and made a kitty face at Grimmjow. He blush a little and looked away, I smiled and whispered "I LOVE it!!" He looked back at me and smirked " I love you too. " I turned red in the face then asked "When are we gonna get started with training?" His smirk grew "Whenever you want. " I sighed "Can we do it tomorrow because I'm so sore and sensitive it's not funny." He nodded then his bedroom door flung open and Nel ran in tackling me to the ground " I was so worried!! Itsygo are you ok? " she practically cried "YES!!" I choked and she let me go. I smiled at her and one of Grimmjow's cats leaped on my head. It was a little kitten, it balled up in my hair and blend right in with its orange fur. I pulled my phone out and snapped a selfie with the cats tongue partially out of its mouth and eyes as big as golfballs. Grimmjow laughed and picked the kitten up off my head then put it down and it ran off under his bed, pouncing like a kangaroo. Nel stood up "Dinners done! We having spaghetti!" She ran out laughing like a mad person. I slowly stood up and stretched, my shirt lifted and my six pack was visible i caught Grimmjow sneaking a peek but I didn't say anything. 

We all sat at a large black marble table and ate, not in silence, Grimmjow was dancing on the table and Nel was eating upside down. Ulquiorra was actually smirking because Grimmjow had a tempted to dress like a girl and twerk. It didn't go to well... Let's just say that he fell off and didn't get back up. Starrk was snoring and basically eating his spaghetti through his nose. That actually had to be the most interesting dinner time that I have ever seen. Afterwards we played a few board games and they were nice enough to let me stay the night. I ended up sleep in  Grimmjow's bed while he slept surrounded by his cats on the floor with a bag of ice on his face. Before I fell asleep I stared up at the ceiling a with a smile on my face "This is the most fun that I've had in ages." I whispered as I thought back to my childhood before the accident. Those were good times for sure, a tear rolled down my cheek as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


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