Chapter 4

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Sorry for the wait, I hope y'all aren't mad. But the wait was worth it, I hope you enjoy chapter 4!!

"Yuzu! Stop that's mine!" I puffed my cheeks out at my little sister as she took my teddy bear from me "Come catch me Ichigo!!" We were at the park with our mom while our dad stayed home to run the clinic. We had a nice picnic and spent the whole day together, running after butterflies, I climbed up trees and got yelled at, we slid down slides and just did what children did. When it hit dawn we had to pack up and head home. I loved the color red and orange the sky made, with those tints of pink purple and dark blue. My mom would always said that my hair reminded her of the sunset and I loved it too. By the time we got home it was almost dark, the street lights flickered to life as we approached the front door but our mom stopped dead in her tracks. "What's wrong?" Karin whispered " Stay here. " she whispered. I could see fear in her eyes it made me worried. She slowly turned the door handle and slowly opened the door to reveal a field of darkness. The wind stopped and everything around us went silent as if all the noise and life just died. "Mom?" This spoke and broke the silence " RUN! " My mother yelled and turned but three large black claws pierced her body. I couldn't move, I was frozen with fear as I stared at the red glowing eyes behind my lifeless mother. She coughed up blood and smiled at us "Run... As fast... As you.. Can." There was no thinking, I ran as tears flowed out like a waterfall. But I could only hear the sound of my foot steps and the screaming of Yuzu and Karin as they tried to escape. I looked back and a giant monster stood over my sister's dead bodies. It slowly looked up to the sky with its bone like mask and let out a high pitch roar that shook me to the core. Blood dripped from its mouth as everything fell silent, the monster turned its head toward me so fast i had no clue what to do. It stood and started to run at me then there was a flash of black, white and the sound of slicing flesh right before I had passed out.

I screamed and say right up smashing foreheads with Grimmjow. He fell off the bed "Holy Shit!! Worn me next time you do that!!" I felt my face and whipped away the tears. " Why were you so close to my face? " I asked and frowned at him he quickly turned and rubbed the back of his neck "Um... I... I was seeing if you were ok. You were crying and mumbling about your mom and ... Yuzu? Karin? Is that right?" I sighed and stood up out of his bed " It was just a nightmare. " he frowned then stood up and hugged me. "Sure it was." I sighed then squealed as he gave me a wet willy. Boy was that a wake up call. He sighed and ran out of the room as I followed behind him. I grew my horns and got ready to form a small cero to knock him down but I got a flash back of the look on my mother's face as she smiled at us. Grimmjow stopped "Are you alright?" I glanced at him with my golden eye and nodded " Sure. " I stood up and headed back to the room to get ready for work.

As I got dressed i heard the door open and shut "Ichigo, tell me what's wrong." I glanced at two ocean blue eyes. He looked concerned, I've never seen him make that kind of face before. I sighed and slipped on my pants " I'm fine. " he frowned and furrowed his brows "That's bullshit!" He growled, grabbed my wrist, threw me on the bed and he crawled on top of me " Why won't you tell me? Can't you see i... " he looked to the side leaned down and connected our lips in a short passionate kiss. He slowly pulled away "I care about you." My eyes widen as I stared at those captivating blue eyes. I broke from his gaze and bit my lip "My nightmare was a memory I've tried to forget.... I.. I should have just stayed and saved them...." My sight began to blurr and I looked away from Grimm. ' This is embarrassing.' He stared at me "If you don't want to tell me right now it's fine, but it's better now than later." I nodded and told him about the creature that killed my family and how I was a coward and I wished I'd stayed and protected my sister's and how I'm a bad brother. He smiled " Ichigo, don't beat yourself up over this. I understand that you wish you would have done something more but you were just a little kid. I'm sorry for your loss. " I smiled and sniffed. "Thanks Grimm." I wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like that for a few minutes before I realized I was late for work and Rukia was gonna beat my ass when I got there.

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