Chapter 35: 167 Times

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(3rd person POV)

"Daddy where's mommy?" Carter as her hungover father who was sleeping on the countertop.

"Mommy's probably not coming home for a little while."

"Why isn't Atticus coming home?" Mavis asked telling Carter to leave the room as she held Maverick.

"I really fucked up Mavy. I cheated on her and burned Peanuts things. I don't know what to do I think his time I really lost Atticus." Dean said sobbing.

"Holy shit dad. You need to get ahold of her and figure this out."

"I tried calling her 167 times already."

"Well it's been six days."

"Yeah no shit. I even tried using your phone to call her but she wouldn't answer. Mavis I don't know what to do or where she is."

"Well I don't know. Have you talked to Seth?"

"He won't talk to me."

Mavis shook her head at her broken and stupid father before noticing her engagement and wedding ring on the counter. "Find her and ask her to marry you again."

"Yeah fucking right. She'll throw the goddamn rings at me."

"I don't think so. Also, delete the mistress from your phone in front of her. Give her the password to all your stuff, and bring mom home."

"It's not gonna fucking work I ruined everything."

"For the Peanut thing, I think it's time to get ahold of Bea. You need to see if she has anything from Peanut that you can give to Atticus."

"This isn't going to be an easy fix, Mavis."

"You never know Dad."


So Dean put on the suit Mavis picked out for him and he stood behind the gorilla waiting for the right moment.

"You guys have been wondering why I've been gone from tv and why I've been off the radar for so long. Well you all know my husband Dean Ambrose. Him and I recently have hit a rough patch in our relationship and it's taken a toll on me and how I go on with my days. I love him to death but recently he's been in love with me. And someone else." The crowd went silent as Atticus started to cry in the ring.

Dean walked out causing the crowd to go dead silent and her to turn once she felt his presence. She was shocked to see him so dressed up compared to her sweats, baggy sweater with a lot of holes, and messy bun. "Hi." He said. Atticus nodded and he cleared his throat. "It's true. I've been seeing someone else but I haven't loved this someone else ever and I never will. Atticus you're all I've ever loved. I've screwed a lot up lately and I know I can't fix it but I can try my hardest.

"I went to Bea and she had some things from Peanut that you could have. Like this necklace, some arts and crafts, and even this ring she made but wasn't able to give to you that Bea found." He handed them to her in a box that he had decorated which brought a smile to Atticus's face because it was poorly done but she knew he tried. "I also brought two other things you took off that you have a right to take off after what I did." He pulled out a box containing both rings. "Now you don't have to put them back on but I want you to have them because what's a grown man gonna do with a girls rings right?

"I'm so sorry that I hurt you, the love of my life, the way I did. You're my wife and I shouldn't have done the things I did. I know it's going to take time but I want you to know that I love you and I need you back Atty." He got on his knees and pulled another velvet box. "You've been wanting to get jewelry with all the birthstones of the kids on it and I thought that's what you deserved right now because the kids are everything." He opened the box and revealed the silver ring with four colors on it. "The fourth birthstone is for Peanut. Who is practically your child and I know she is the most important thing to you alive or not."

Dean handed her the items and Atticus was in tears. She held the items in her arms and lightly set them down before walking over to Dean. She looked up at him and sighed.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and cried into him before they both fell to the ground and cried of the overwhelming feeling they both felt.

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