Chapter 1

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Hey the names Hannah. I'm 15 years old and I've grown up in the same town my whole life. I'm your ordinary girl who has her flaws... and when I say flaws I mean a lot. Now that you know a little about me how about I return to the present.


"Hannah, get up we have school!" my brother, Derek yelled. He repeatedly hit me with a pillow. I could hear my 5 year old brother, Logan giggling in the background.

"DEREK!! I'm up, ok stop hitting me!" I yelled back. He walked out of the room to do who knows what. Derek and me normally get along. Most of the time when we fight it's in the morning. We both hate getting up for school so we take turns on who wakes everyone up.

I slowly got out of bed and grabbed my clothes to change. After I got dressed I grabbed my beanie and bag. I then headed down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Finally, talk about take forever. Grab something to eat and lets go." Derek said as he finished his toast. I grabbed a poptart walked into the living room.

"Dananananana Batman!" said Logan, my 3 year old brother. He was watching one of his cartoons with Batman. Which didn't surprise me. I find it funny how both of our favorite superheros are Batman.

"Hey Logan we need to get to the babysitters." I said as I picked him up off the floor. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried him over to the door connected to the garage. I sat him in his booster seat and buckled him in. After I got in the passenger seat Derek started up the truck. He backed it down the drive and toward Logan's babysitter's house.


As we parked in the school parking lot I grabbed my bag off the floor and hopped out, shutting the door behind me. I walked through the parking lot to the school. There were still a few people parking as we walked into the building.

As the doors closed behind us the bell rang dismissing you to your first class. Great this gonna be a long day.


I thankfully made it to lunch alive. I nearly got bored to death by our language teacher. He never makes it as interesting as our middle school teacher did.

I grabbed my tray and headed down the line at the pizza bar then jumped over into the snack line. Before heading over to the table I grabbed a Gatorade out of the vending machine.

"Hey Han! Was it just me or did Mr. Pare teaching today hit the down low boring of the month?" Cassy asked as I sat down.

"I know right. I was one second away from falling asleep but thankfully the bell rang." I said removing the lid on my Gatorade.

"So what are our plans for tomorrow night? Are we gonna rob all Logan's nerf guns and wake your brother?" she asked smirking. We've actually done that once and we nearly woke him up because we were laugh to loud.

"Sadly no. Both my brother will be gone and same with my parents. So basically no one to prank.... In less we go ding dong ditching." I said grinning.

"Dang it," she giggled. "Also I don't think ding dong ditching will work this time because remember what happened last time. We started laugh right as we left the person's porch and we nearly tripped every five seconds." she said smiling. I almost forgot about that. I ended up tripping when we got a block away.

"True.... Ok so that's off the list. Hmmmm how about we look up funny stuff to do. Also we can still do our Horror Movie Marathon as well." We normally always watch one or two horror movies when we have sleepovers.


The last bell rang as I gathered my things to leave. Derek would be at baseball practice today so I wont have a ride home. I slowly started making my way to my neighborhood.

When i got five blocks away from my house I stopped at the babysitters. I walked up to the door and knocked. The door soon opened to reveal Kathy.

"Well hello Hannah come on in." . I walked in and closed the door behind me. Kathy walked into the other room as stood in the entry way. She came back a few seconds later with Logan.

"Logan didn't take that long of a nap today so he may still be a little tired. Other than that he was excellent." Kathy said smiling.

"That's good. Thank you for watching him! Logan can you say 'bye' to Kathy?" I said smiling at him.

"Byeeeee Caty!" Logan said smiling. Kathy opened the door for us as I picked him up. I walked out of the house and down the sidewalk.

When we got to the house I unlocked the front door with my house key. "Where's Derek at?" Logan asked as I closed the door behind us and locked it.

"He's at baseball practice but he'll be home later." I said smiling at him. "So are you hungry? Do you want a snack?" I sat Logan down on the couch as I walked into the kitchen.

"No tank you. I'm good but tank you for asking Sis." he said smiling as he hopped of the couch and ran for his room. I grabbed a granola bar and headed for the stairs.

When I got to my room I laid out all my homework. Which thankfully wasn't much. All I had was two pages of math and I was good.

After I finished my homework I grabbed my laptop and looked up stuff Cassandra and me could do.

I found a handful of things and wrote them down then went downstairs to see how super was doing.

"Good your down here. Now I don't have to yell for you saying suppers done." my mother said as I walked in.


Hey guys!!

Okay this wasn't that good of a chapter but I promise it should get better. 

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Also Thank You soooo much for readying this story :D

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