Sheogorath x Female Nord/Bosmer Mage Reader

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'Take a simple job they said, it'll be easy they said, what's so easy about traveling through a Deadric lord of Madness's realm!' You mentally screamed, cursing the cocky and stuck up mages at the guild who thought you weren't up for this.

Perhaps you should backtrack, but your not to sure you wanna see those flesh monstrosities again, they made you sick to the stomach and the smell didn't help.

With a shudder and a shake of your head you cast another fireball at the approaching tree creature before wackiness it into pieces with your ebony mace as sticky sap bled from it's wounds.

'I guess my fathers lessons are coming in handy after all.' You though with a smile while leaving the divot and heading to a large wall you saw earlier, a bridge and gate which was guarded by two elf-like people in very revealing armor but dark armor. They barely gave you a glance as you slipped in through the gate, muddy cloak and boots leaving a imprint on the worn stone path into what you heard as New Sheoth.


The hours passed by and you knew next to nothing of this city, the only thing you knew for certain was that it's folk are either crazy, insane, pompous, depressed or speak gibberish.

However after successfully speaking to what you know as a dark seducer, their appraisals of themselves and their Lord Sheogorath not making it hard, you got the instructions to the palace where the mad god resides.

Although it looked more like a hall but to each their own.

And to your surprise, the mad god in front of you looked nothing like you'd expect him to look as the only unnatural thing about him was the sickly yellow and narrowed eyes. He remained you distinctly of a snake, only the rest of him was human.

As you opened your mouth to speak he best you to the punch, seemingly waiting for you to speak just so he could do that. "A new arrival! A shame about my Gatekeeper. I'm so happy, I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them....But I suppose an introduction is in order. I am Sheogorath, Prince of Madness. And other things. But I'm not talking about them. You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them! But, perhaps now's not the time. You've made it this far. Farther than anyone else. Well done!"

You hardly even got a word in as he rambled on, never stopping and only pausing for dramatic effect. But finally he stopped and you mentally sighed in relief briefly wondering if daedric princes needed to breath before looking up at Sheogorath, who simply looked amused.

"What do you mean? You say that as if you've been expecting someone to walk through this death trap any day now." You frowned, looking down at her battered and sap coated mace and wincing as you remembered how low your Magicka was before entering New Sheoth.

"Well I've been waiting for you...or someone like you...or someone other than you for some time. I need a champion, and you've got the job! Time to save the Realm! Slay the beast! Rescue the Princess AND the Prince! Or die trying...Just kidding! I can tell your a tourist, coming into my wonderful realm and taking in the sights while smashing my beautiful trees...Thank you! For the show that is." He added, smirking at you the whole time as he stood up from the tree throne he sat on, walking up to you and examine you carefully with a hum.

"Well you are nice to look at, but I don't think you'd fancy yourself to stay here for all eternity. Not when you have Cyrodiil to get back to, to rub your success in those stuck up mages noses. It's what I'd do." He smirked, stopping in front of you as you blushed at the compliment before shaking your head and sighing at the obviousness.

"But you seem cute, so, tell you what! Keep in touch you hear? That way I can show you how to prank those stuffy magic casters, haven't had fun in the mortal place for a while and I need the entertainment. Oh! And I can also give you a little artifice of mine that I'm sure you'll love. Good old Gorky. Thanks for that doll, I'll see you around!" He jeered, again leaving you no room to speak. As if you could anyway since you were speechless, the mad god booping your nose and walking backwards.

Oh, no never mind. You just fell backwards.


With a start you woke up in your bed in Chorral, looking around before looking down as something cool was against your chest. As it turns out a fork was hanging around your neck, the smell of roast hanging around it as you starred in disbelief at the 'artifact' before snarling and looking out your window with a growl.


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