Grey Fox x Female Poor Nord reader -Part 1-

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The Waterfront. Far from glamorous and still not comfortable, but it made the people who lived there grateful enough to have a home over their heads and the skill of picking pockets to at least cover their next dinner.

However one young maiden wasn't able to live comfortably no matter what she did. And that maiden was non other then (Y/n), a poor girl even among the other beggars. She had to scavenge for scraps and even beg Armand Christophe for her next meal, the young gentleman happily obliging as he knew the woman was falling in tough times with a thief stealing anything she gets.

Yes, a thief. But not of the guild as Armand had reassured her several times. This issue had gotten to the point of where (Y/n) had to sleep outside for a few weeks since Hironimus Lex saw it fit to take her home away when she couldn't pay the monthly rent, Armand helping 'pay' her rent to make sure she was living under a roof again. Of course though the thief had resumed their attacks, stealing every little thing from the woman who was living in a miserable rut.

The Doyen has sent this issue to the Grey Fox before, with a simple return letter saying that he'll take care of it. Armand didn't know what to make of it until a week later when he walked into the maidens home to see his master and their leader, the Grey Fox himself seated with (Y/n) at a table, eating some cheese and bread while the young nord who smiled at the redguards entrance.

They exchanged pleasantries and then he left, happy and even a little giddy as he knew that (Y/n) would be safer now then ever.


After Armand left, the Grey Fox turned back to you with a surprisingly soft expression covering his eyes which were normally invisible to the untrained eye, but you knew better.

"We'll find this rouge thief, and make sure they regret this." He promised, a small smile ever so slightly gracing his features before he disappeared in the blink of an eye. And you couldn't help but smile at nothing as you felt like this will all be ok now, a burden lifted from your back.

"I know." Was all you said, picking up the empty plates and putting them in a bucket to clean later before laying down in the hay stuffed bed and slowly falling asleep with the smile of the Grey Fox the last thing you saw.

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