Grey Fox x Female Poor Nord Reader -Part 2-

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Three weeks have passed since I've stayed with (Y/n), the rouge thief hadn't shown up yet to her relief but my disappointment as that means I won't be able to keep my promise to the maiden. She had been so kind to me, making me meals with what little money she had and always bringing in a happy attitude whenever she can.

At first this surprised me, as I was getting accustomed to a dull and dreary girl that Armand had so often told me about but instead a bright and smiling girl took her place whenever she was in my presence.

I know this isn't right, I know what will happen if she finds out about my identity...But I yearned for it for so long, and now she had me smitten for her. (Y/n) and the Grey Fox...Not bad.

Unfortunately I had to leave for a meeting with our newest member of the guild who showed extreme promise, bidding her goodbye but not without leaving a gift for her and her generosity.
A shining cloak, bright and glamorous that grants it's wielder invisibility.
I recommend that she sell it for a hearty sum of septim's, only to be surprised once again as she refused the recommendation and opted to keep it. Her appreciative smile brighter and more special then any septim could be.

I was walking back to the waterfront after my visit to Bravil before a group of beggars and Armand ran up to me in the shadows of the night, a pillar of smoke raising up behind them as panic was set in their faces.

"It's (Y/n)." Was all Armand said, panic striking my own heart as I didn't wait for him and raced to the rising smoke with the worry building up in my mind.


The Grey Fox was gone for a long while, but that didn't deter you in the slightest as you were positively brimming with energy and enthusiasm. The other beggars and thief's taking notice as their day seemed to brighten up in my presence, Armand always smiled and said they were just glad you were back to your old self.

This wouldn't have happened without him though, the Grey Fox having pulled me out of the ditch you were in and his very presence lighting up your heart. He was so nice and patient, willing to listen and not to mention that he was so easy to read no matter what he says or does. He may be a master thief but there a things you can never hide from a woman.

Today was the day he was coming back, and you made sure to set up a nice little dinner using what septim's you had and some that happened to fall out of the merchants pockets. His gift to you wrapped tightly around your body in a comforting embrace, the silk soft and warm against your skin before the front door softly creaked open, alerting you as you looked up with a smile and expecting to see the man in the shadows. Only for a dark blur to tackle tackle you to the ground and try restraining you, eliciting a scream once you realised this wasn't the Grey Fox but the thief who was tormenting you.

"Give me to cloak!" They hissed and wrestled you to the floor, grunting with effort as the nord woman was stronger then she looked.
They quickly found out you weren't going out east as you managed to grab and smash a clay vase over their head, dazing them enough for you the pick up the chair and swing into into the thief's chest which caught them off guard and sent them into your dresser with a crash.

That didn't keep them down for long though as they leapt back up and brandished a iron dagger, the sight bring a gasp to you as they once again rushed forward and again tackled you down. Only now they pushed you into the table which toppled over, sending the food and candles flying across the room, one of which connected with the rug on the floor as it soon lit up in a blaze.

Across the floor you and the thief tossed and turned, neither getting the advantage as your house was slowly engulfed with the fire and smoke. Finally they managed to throw you into the floor, your head hitting the stone with a dull thud before the cold steel of the dagger was felt against your stomach. Time seemed to slow down as you felt the iron digging into your skin, which gave way and let the metal pierce you deeply.

A shrill cry was all you could manage, thrashing in a desperate attempt to dislodge the weapon before you felt your frenzied fist finally hit something. That something being the thief's head, a satisfying crunch signalling their nose was now broken before they slumped down and collapsed on the floor.

You laid there, breathless and bleeding before grabbing the dagger and pulling it out with a cry of pain as you threw them bloodied weapon away. You didn't lay there long though as the house was now a inferno, painting and pictures burning to a crisp as you sobbed at the sight of your memories turning to ash.

This wasn't helping you though, so with some effort you stood up and grabbed the crumpled cloak the Grey Fox gave you, wrapping it tightly around you before slowly shuffling to the door.

"I...need to get...out of here..." You softly panted, pain wracking your body with every step as the door slowly got closer and closer.

Then the roof finally collapsed.


The Grey Fox stood amongst the ash and rubble, staring down at a burning and singed body of the inhabitant with a closed fist and a trembling lip. Armand stood a ways behind him, sadness showing clearly on his features as he waited for his master to speak.

"...Find her." The Grey Fox said, unclenching his fist and turning away from the burnt body. "This isn't her, it can't be."

"Sir, I don't think sh-" Armand started, only to be cut off by a growl from the master thief who was glaring at the Doyen with desperation and worry. He sighed before nodding and walking away from the rubble that was (Y/n)'s house.

The Grey Fox looked up into the stars, regretting ever leaving the waterfront as he wasn't even sure of the body was hers or not, he just didn't want to believe it.

"I'll find you...I promise."

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