Two: The Linkverse

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~Ocarina of Time Link's POV~

I sighed, plopping myself on the sofa next to Wild and Twilight. Wind didn't want to go to sleep and was throwing a small fit, though I finally managed to get him to fall asleep, thankfully after the Four Swords' went to sleep.

"Did they not want to go to sleep again?" Wild questioned, tilting his head slightly.

"Actually, it was Wind this time. The Four Swords' we're tired and listened to me for once. And tomorrow, I'm getting one of you to put them to sleep. They can be a real handful sometimes," I breathed out, flipping the channels until I hit a comedy station, with a good comedy on. Wow, for once they have something good on. After a little while, I had started to doze off with the others, until a loud slam of a door was heard, waking us all up instantly.

We grabbed our swords that were on the wall nearby and looked around, seeing that our normally brown front door was now white. Were we getting a new Link already? I don't remember any Link's being created so soon, especially since we just got Wild, what, two years ago? Three? It's usually at least six years before we get a new member.

"When do we get new Link's this soon?" Twilight questioned, gripping his sword tighter, ready to attack.

"Never," I replied. I made my way over to the door, stopping as it opened once again. I waited for who or what was going to come out from behind the door.

~Heather's POV~

"What? What did you see??" Skylor questioned, grabbing my arms and shaking me violently. I attempted to push her away, succeeding after a few seconds.

"I saw Link! Well, three of them! I think it was Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time. But there were Link's Skylor! LINK'S!" I threw my hands up, emphasizing how I didn't understand what was going on.

"You're imagining shit," she replied, opening the door and walking in, not looking in front of her, as she was looking at me. I followed her, but stopped once I saw the three of them holding their swords, ready to strike. "Heather, there is no possible way that the Link's are real! This is just your closer and the Link's are from a video... game..." she started before looking around and seeing the Link's. "OH MY HOLY SHIT HEATHER THEY WANT MY KIDNIES!" she yelled, attempting to run to the door but ended up just tripping and running into the door, slamming it shut. I noticed the door changed color and when she opened it, he door led out to a forested area.

"HEATHER THE DOOR ISN'T GOING BACK TO YOUR ROOM!" she screeched, opening and closing the door multiple times before sliding down the door, "MY JUICE BOXES!" At this point I was hyperventilating, as I was now in a strange place I had never seen, three people who wanted to- or at least looked liked- they wanted to kill us, and no way home. When I looked back over at them, they were no longer holding their swords in an attacking manner, but now had confused looks on their faces.

"Uh... if you want to kill someone, I vote Skylor," I spoke up shoving her in front of me, "she was the one who said the magic words and got us here."

"Ah, Hell nah!" Skylor practically yelled, turning to me and taking off her sandal before slapping me with it repeatedly. "I ain't going to die because your scared ass doesn't want to die!" She yelled, drowning out my 'ow's' as I shrank back. After a few moments, she finally stopped whacking me and put her sandal back on, turning to the Link's in front of us. "So uh... you aren't, going to kill us... are you?"

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