Twelve: Freak Out

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~Allison's POV~

       How dare he take my Heather! How dare he!! You don't just take a person's Heather! It's just... just wrong! Like putting ketchup on your Cheetos wrong! I looked around the room and saw that a few of the Link's were at the house while the others were searching all over Hyrule for her. Dark, Majora, and Sky we're here while Four Swords, Time, Twilight, Wind, and Wild were searching. They all took their own area to look. Wild took the Gerudo desert, Wind took the Zora domain, Twilight took the Rito area, Time taking the Goron's area and the Four Swords taking the jungle to the south East of the castle. They were assuming that Zelda was still in power, so the castle and it's grounds would be checked last. Which I completely understood but also, she is most definitely at the castle. Like for real. That or the Yiga Clan hideout Wild told us about.

      I swear if this takes more than a few weeks, it's taken too long! Who knows what that dude-who I forgot the name of- could be doing to her right now! For all we know he could be torturing her in so many unspeakable ways and be using methods that are unorthodox on Earth! Ugh, I wanna find Heather.


      After waiting for them to get back, it took them about a month to search all of Hyrule, except the castle. They have apparently unearthed and turned every single rock they could to find and couldn't. Wild even went as far as dressing like a Yiga Clan member and looking around the entirety of their base. Only to find: nothing. AB-SO-LUTE-LY NOTHING! LIKE C'MON THEY HAVE TO BE HIDING HER SOMEWHERE!

       "I guess this leaves the castle," Time spoke up, looking around at everyone. "I don't know which one of us can go in there and look the least suspicious, so I'm thinking we send in-if they want too- Skylor or Allison to act as if they work there and snoop around.

         "I am the master of snooping! I can do it!" I smiled as my time came, not realizing Skylor was shaking her head behind me, until I turned around. "Rude."

       "It's not my fault all three of us are clumsy as fuck and literally cannot stay quiet. Well, actually I shouldn't say that," Skylor started, putting a hand to her chin. "Heather can be really quiet when she tries.."

         "Rude!" I replied, "And I could still pass for like a maid or something. I mean Seriously, how hard could it be to just use a little duster and mop?" I questioned, rolling my eyes and waving her off. "Besides, we both know if we want any snooping done, I'm ya' gal. I can do it, trust me." Skylor sighed behind me but didn't try to stop me and Link's just looked at each other with a slightly worried glance before letting me go to the castle. Undercover. Cue the James Bond music.


        WHY WOULD I EVER WANT TO WORK AT THIS CASTLE?! HOLY MOLY THIS PLACE IS HUGE WHAT THE HECKIDY HECK, MAN!! I've only been here two weeks and I have only covered a quarter of the castle. Jesus. True that I only need to find where Heather is being held, but still. Who know's how long it'll take for me to look around and find her. And I've even been listening to people to try and see if they know anything! But no one does!

          I sighed internally as I grabbed my mop and bucket and headed down some hallways before setting the bucket down and started mopping the area. Alright, just focus on the work at hand and listen if anyone comes down the hall. If someone comes down the hall, eavesdrop on the conversation and see if they know anything. Fairly simple, right? Wrong. This place is so big, that literally I hardly see anyone! Unless on break and or eating, that's about the only time I get to see and talk to anyone.

        Grumbling to myself, I hardly noticed the two armed guards walking down the hall. Oooh! Maybe they know something about Heather! I moved out of the way and continued to mop the floor as they passed, catching some of their conversation.

         "Did you hear about the girl?" the one on the left asked, getting a no from the other. "Well, apparently the new girl in the southeast dungeon, took a bokoblin guards spear and started hitting it with it until he died. Then continued to use the spear until it broke. She's getting moved to solitary confinement... I really don't understand why he thinks bokoblins are better...." they trailed as they walked past.

       AHA! MY SNOOPING IS COMPLETE! I FOUND HER LOCATION AND NOW KNOW HOW SHE HAS BEEN SPENDING HER TIME! And honestly, that sounds about right. If she had the chance to kill some enemies while captured, she would. Mainly because who cares about some stupid pig monsters? Am I right? I smiled to myself as I continued to mop the floors until my shift was over. Everyone is going to be so proud of me for finding her!

~Heather's POV~

         "Stupid bokoblin..." I mumbled, as I took yet another spear. This had to have been my fifth one in the past month, and one of the many guards I had managed to kill. I honestly don't see why Ganondork just keeps some Yiga Clan to watch over me. But I guess they're too busy keeping him guarded, right? Eh, oh well. Still fun for me.

        Honestly, he can try his hardest to get me to break, but I won't tell him anything about the Link's and their weaknesses. Though,taking me was probably a smart idea, as I can only assume I am one of Wild's weaknesses... I hope I am otherwise he's gonna get a slap, because seriously. If you like someone, and they aren't one of your weaknesses in these types of situations, then is he really in love with me? Or even remotely like me?

      After a little bit, I heard the doors open to the dungeon. It's either another bokoblin to take his shift or one of Ganondork's many non-surprising visits. Yeah, he has a habit of having 'surprise' visits, that aren't really surprises because he's a sick fuck that enjoys getting off on other's peoples pain. I hope Wild kicks his ass once for me and once for himself.

         "Oh, looky here, Ganondork makes one of his appearances," the fake happiness in my voice was evident, as he gave an eye roll and eyed the spear in the corner of my cell. "I got bored, as one does in a locked cell with nothing else to do."

         "Well, I guess we'll just have to fix that? Won't we?" he questioned, giving an evil smirk. Oh no.

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