Three: Mornings

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~Heather's POV~

      Once Time made it clear that Dark and Wild were going to be the Link's who watched over us, as we were also bunking with them, he let them show us to our new rooms. And in the morning we would be shown around the house, maybe around the town, depending on how bored we get in the house.

Upon entering Wild's room, I looked around and got a very homey feeling to it. The room had a dark wooden floor and lighter wooden walls. There was a large carpet in the middle of the room along with a table and some chairs. In the left corner of the room was his bed and a night stand. There were two doors on the right wall, a closet and bathroom, and on the back wall was a window. On the rest of the walls, there were some bows, swords, shields, and arrows all hanging up neatly along with his paraglider.

"Cozy," I stared, pulling a chair out and sitting down, as Wild pulled out a spare pillow and blankets from his closet. When he went to make up a cot on the floor, I saw that he had all of the armors and clothes from the game and some miscellaneous clothes neatly put away. "Oh cool, you have the Zora armor," I got up and walked over, putting on the helmet and looking up as he walked back over. The helmet was obviously not made for me, as it was too big and I could barely see under it. He gave a light chuckle as he took the helmet off and gently set it back down where it had been sitting and shutting the closet doors.

"You can take my-" he started but I cut him off by sitting down on the cot in the floor, "-bed..." he blinked at me a few times, looking at me with slight confusion.

"It's your room, you get the bed. Besides, I can sleep anywhere, I don't mind taking the floor," I yawned and laid down, rolling over I my side. I heard a soft chuckle before the creak of a bed. "Sorry for my snoring ahead of time."

         "It's okay, Dark snores pretty loudly. Good night," Wild sleepily stated.

         "Good night," with that I feel into a what felt like an endless sleep.

~The Next Day~

       I was shook awake by someone, though I just rolled over and mumbled 'five more minutes.' There was an audible sigh from them before I had my blankets ripped away.

      "Okay, okay. I'm up, I'm up," I yawned, sitting up and looking at Wild. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I stood up, seeing that it was still dark out. Am I getting murdered or is he just a morning person? "What time is it?"

       "Five thirty. I'm usually the first one up," he explained, "I usually take a morning jog-"

       "Hey, I'll go on a jog with you. But I have no idea how well I'm going to do," I stopped him mid sentence, giving him a smile. "Just like, give me a couple of minutes to wake up?"

         "Alright!" he smiled, taking a seat on his bed. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw my short brown hair was now in an afro like-state. Oh come on. I looked around and saw that Wild had already put an extra toothbrush and brush out. Oh thank the lord. Once I finished up in the bathroom, I walked back out and saw Wild wearing my glasses and somewhat squinting to see.

          "How do you see with these on?" he questioned, making me chuckle.

        "I'm just really blind and they help me see," I explained, "but to you they just look really blurry. Because you don't need them. For me right now, everything is just blobs of color, though I can make out a few things."

         "Oh," he replied handing me the glasses before standing up and stretching. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I replied, following him outside. He stopped at the front door and left a quick note that I was with him on his jog, mainly so the others don't freak out and I think I did something to him.

~Skylor's POV~

Waking up, I noticed that Dark was still asleep, but was on the bed. God damn it! I knew this would happen. Why did I not think he would get on the bed? Literally every arrow that points to him being the perverted one, is pointing right at him! Though, I have to admit, his snoring was cuuu- SKYLOR STOP YOU BARELY KNOW HIM! Yet, I do? Maybe? Whatever.

Sitting up, I made my way off the bed, somehow not waking him up, and into the bathroom. Noticing that there was a toothbrush and brush out for me, I brushed my teeth looking into the mirror. My nearly two and a half foot long hair looked like it had a birds nest in it and my bright green eyes were gazed over with sleep. Ew. Morning.

Finishing brushing my teeth, I grabbed the brush and walked out of the bathroom, attempting to tame the mess that was my hair. I started at Dark for a second before looking down where he was looking and pulling up my shirt before glaring at him.

"Bish, don't look again or I will not hesitate to slap that sly grin off ya' face!" I stated, crossing my arms across my chest, holding the brush in one hand.

"Okay," he raised his hands into the air as defense but the sly smirk never left his face. God damn it. I sighed and continued to brush my hair, getting the worst of the knots out, before putting my hair up into a messy bun.

"What's for breakfast?" I questioned, looking over at him. He just shrugged.

"Wild is the one who usually makes breakfast and he goes out on a jog most mornings, he's usually not back until around eight-eight thirty. So, in another thirty minutes or so you can ask him. I sighed in defeat, before noticing the large stack of games he has piled up on his dresser

"VIDEO GAMES!" I yelled running over and looking through them all. Let's see... Call of Duty, Rock Band, Halo, hmm.. ooh! Deadspace! "Let's play some Deadspace then!"

"It's six thirty in the morning," he argued.

"So?" I questioned. He smiled at me before walking with me to the living room and putting the disk in. We played until we heard the front door open, showing a happy Wild and an aggravated, mud covered, Heather. I started laughing so hard that I fell off of the sofa and onto the floor, hugging my sides and starting to cry.

"I hate you, Skylor." With that the two walked out of the room and back to Wild's, I'm assuming to get her some clean clothes and show her how the shower works. After a few minutes, Wild came back and started making breakfast. I could already smell the bacon and omelets being made. Yeeessss!

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