The Rogue Assassin III

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*Dexus POV*

Hours after the fire incident some of us were able to get out of the monastery alive but there were a few unfortunate souls who wete consumed by the fire. We watch as the Kinkou Monastery burn in flames as Shen and Kennen were tending to the injured while I was ordering some of the disciples to seek help from the nearest village or town. However the injured disciples wasn't the only problem here.

We have two major problems in our hands:

1. Akali kidnapping the AU (Y/N)

2. Whatever kind of bloody torture she's doing to him is also affecting the OU (Y/N)

I walked back to the tent I set up seeing your unconscious body on the floor. Bandage Wrapped around your shoulders and torso to stop the bleeding. As I went to sit beside your body Shen entered the tent as well sitting right across me and checking your pulse.

Dexus: You don't have to worry about him Shen. You should worry more about your students outside.

Shen: ...........

Dexus: Look I know you want to ask me about my work as a Traveler and how I manage to predict the future but its classified info..... (Even if I am no longer working as a Traveler)

Shen: Tell me Dexus.... What caused Akali's unusual behaviour that led her to kidnap my best student?

Dexus: *Sigh* I doubt you were watching over the Monastery even if you are the head of the clan I guess you never just noticed.

I grabbed my Tome and opened it as with its own mind started flipping through the pages and stopped at a certain page before it showed a holographic vision of the past events within Kinkou Monastery. Within the Vision was Akali spying on (Y/N) while he was training with Kennen.

Shen: Is this all you have as proof?

Dexus: It's better if you not see it Shen it just involved murdering female students and more spying whilst he was doing stuff alone. Trust me it gets gruesome as hell especially coming from one of your own.

Shen just looked down and clenched his fist his eyes filled with regret.

Shen: If only I noticed it sooner then this wouldn't happen.

Dexus: Don't blame your incompetence. You can't help it but be busy being called into the League Of Legends as a Champion and working as the head of this Monastery. This was the path chosen for us to do and there's millions of alternate version's of you who may have had it worse.
I can already see some of them being dead because Akali went after you before she went to kidnap (Y/N).

I just sighed and looked down at your sleeping body. Still no sign of movement but I can still breathing coming from you. The scary part of all this is when will Akali start her torture to the AU (Y/N).

Dexus: (Akali.... whatever the bloody hell you're thinking off, you better not kill him.)

*AU (Y/N) POV*

I groggily opened my eyes up to see only darkness. The last thing I remembered was being stabbed by Akali and her rough kissing. I had to get out of here and warn Master Shen!

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