Part 2 - Hiding something?

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*Libby's POV*

The boys left my house and went home to get dressed for tonight. I had an hour to get ready... That is certainly not gonna happen, I'm always late and Jay should know that by now. I put my iPod on it’s dock letting All Time Low and several other sings blast through the speakers, luckily I don't have to get in the shower, I got in one before I left Nottingham for London earlier today. I grabbed my hair iron from the side, plugging them in, leaving them to heat up. I walked over to the wardrobe and looked through the various tops, jeans, shorts, playsuits, dresses; and so on I've got in there until I come across my tight, one-sleeved red dress that stopped mid-thigh. I unhooked it from the rail and laid it on my bed, returning to my spot in front of the mirror, picking up the hair iron and carefully straightening my hair. After I'd finished that, I grabbed my make-up, applying a thin layer of liquid eye liner, mascara and pencil eyeliner along with some lip-gloss. I didn't really wear that much make-up. I picked up my phone, 13 minutes to go and I still haven't got my dress or my heels on. I flung my phone onto the bed, causing it to bounce a couple of time before resting on the bottom right of the bed. I picked up my dress, slipping of my clothes and pulling the red dress over my head, zipping up the side and looking in the bottom of my cupboard for shoes... I had picked out a pair of black heels or a pair of black slip on’s...

*Alex's POV*

I grabbed keys and phone whilst slipping on my white Nike high tops and grabbing my jumper with my free hand. I walked round the corner to the house Nathan shares with Jay, Max, Tom and Siva. 5 minutes later I approached the door and knocked, only to be met with Jay standing there, he high-fived me whilst letting me in,

"I thought you guys were going out?"

"We are... waiting on Siva!"

"Oh right... Where's Nath?" I asked slipping my shoes off,

"In the kitchen, making tea, as per usual... SIVA!! Hurry up!" I nodded and wondered off into the kitchen only to find Nathan on the phone with his back to me. I decided to not interrupt and just stand in the doorway.

"No, Alex doesn't know and she's not going to. Okay? Great. Good. Thanks. Yep, tomorrow, erm, I'm supposed to be out with Alex tomorrow but I could get out of it, this is more important." Oh so now something or someone is more important than me? Great. He stopped talking and nodded before saying bye... By this time I had walked back to hallway to make it look like I hadn't heard any of that conversation. The boys had already left so I slammed to door shut to make it sound like I'd just entered the house.

*Tom's POV*

Me, Max, and Libby was all completely out of our heads. Libby's hilarious when she's smashed. I was surprised that Jay hadn't fallen over but he wasn't as drunk, actually he was pretty sober, well more than Siva was and Siva is the more mature one out of us... It got to 11:30 and Libby, Max and I was all up dancing, Jay suggested that we all headed home, of course me and Max didn't want to whilst Libby ignored him. So Jay being Jay picked Libby up and threw her over his shoulder. Siva was already waiting to go so we decided to call it a night.

*Jay's POV*

I managed to get them all back to the house, safely. Tom and Max carried on drinking downstairs whilst I carried Libby upstairs and into my room. I laid her on the bed, leaving her to sleep in the red dress she'd worn before getting undressed, leaving me in my boxers. Grabbing an extra cover and laying down on the floor to sleep, as Libby had taken up most of the bed and there was no way I was gonna be able to sleep up there - the things I do for my best friend - I let my eye lids shut and my dreams to fulfil my sleep.

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