Part 16 - Goodbye.

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*Libby's POV*

Alex was in the toilet, whilst me Emma, Terri and Sunny were sat in the front room gossiping about everything,

"Alex is going on tour with the boys!" I told Sunny and Em, Terri already knew,

"How comes?" Sunny asked, confused by it all,

"The boys want Nathan and Alex to speak again and they want to show him that Hollie's not all good." Terri explained, grin appeared on Em and Sunny's faces like everything snapped into place, I giggled lightly at them,

"So it's just us four?" Em asked, I gave her the 'Nah, you don't say' look, she giggle as she rolled her eyes, Alex walked back in the room and smiled at us, I smiled back, Terri, Em and Sunny all doing the same, she sat in between me and Terri, making the circle complete

"I feel sorry for you, a month away from us, without any girl company and around the boys!"

"I'm used to it, it'll be like the old time before Libby moved down" she laughed, I smiled at how well she's taken to it, "only problem is Nathan, but oh well!" this made her laugh even more, she's a weird one.

"Do you miss Nath?" Emma asked outta the blue,

"Course I do, but he's with my bitch of a sister, he knew what she used to be like yet he still chose her over me, and he's still oblivious to what she's done, so that's his choice, and when he comes running back, I'll be the one to say I told you so." she explained, honestly. We carried on talking throughout the night as it'd be the last time with Alex until we see her at the London concerts in 4 weeks. It got to midnight and Alex was asleep yet Sunny, Em, Terri and I were still awake,

"Has she been seeing that guy...?” Em asked forgetting his name,

"Harry?" Sunny finished her off, Em smiling gratefully,

"She has been but before we met Libby he came round so Alex could tell him that she was going on tour with the boys, he seemed annoyed and jealous to be honest." Terri told us, I didn't like Harry he wasn’t your average guy, he was just a bit weird, un-normal, crazy, I don't know he just wasn't right, but if Alex is happy, I'm happy.

"Are they dating now then?" Sunny asked,

"Well Harry must think it because he acts like they are where as Alex tells me different..." Terri trailed off... "But he seems to have this leash on her or something, she could be talking to someone, if he looks at her a certain way she'll shut up and I'm worried." I knew it. There isn't something right about him, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. We soon fell asleep and the next morning came quick enough.

*Hollie's POV*

So, it's 9am on the day Nathan leaves and my part 2 - humiliation - starts now. I smiled to myself, I have the perfect idea. My doorbell rung, stunning me out of my thoughts, a familiar but un-expected face was there, Harry.

"Alex is going on tour with them." he said rushed.

"Oh great, so that destroys, part 1!"

"Doesn't mean he'll speak to her, we'll just have to make some sort of disturbance."

"Great, right, we ready for phase two?" I asked slyly, nor Alex or Nathan is going to know what’s hit them by the end of this... To be honest, this is all to get back at Alex, this has nothing to do with Nathan but it's a way of hurting her so this is how I'll do it. Harry waved his hand in my face frantically looking worried, probably at my facial expression as transfixed as a creep or something. I smiled at him and he smiled back,

"Let’s get the show on the road." I smiled at him; I grabbed my phone and text Nath...

To Nath:

Nathy baby, could we go public whilst you’re on tour? X

I waited a few minutes before my phone buzzed with a reply,

From Nathan:

Yeah, sure, management have already told me too. I'll announce it later tonight. X

I typed a reply and smiled. I have him wrapped around my perfect little finger, what Nathan or Alex doesn't realise that Harry is Nathan's cousin, there's always been petty arguments so when I wanted to hurt Alex and he wanted to get to Nathan, we joined and thought of a plan.

*Max's POV*

Me and Tom walked to Alex's to help her with her stuff, we knocked and waited, Terri opened it and let us in, we walked to Alex's room, she had a two suitcases full and a smaller bag,

"You take less than any of us take!"Tom pointed out

"Well tom you take way to many t-shirts, Max takes too much cream, Jay and Siva probably has a suitcase packed full of brownies and skittles whilst Nathan has four thousand hats with him. I'm just normal!" Alex joked, it made me giggle,

"Actually I take hair gel!" I stated, smiling, Tom gave me a 'what the hell' look and Alex just laughed, she was packed so I took one suitcase, Tom took the other whilst Alex carried her bag, we had to get going so Alex jumped on Terri, pulling her in for a bone crushing hug.

"I'm going to miss you T!"

"I'll miss you too! Have fun! I'll see you in four weeks!" They finally let go of each other, so me and Tom pulled Terri in for a hug, she giggled as we both kissed either of her cheeks at the same time. We were walking to the lift when Terri shouted,

"Oi, Parker, go find yourself a girl whilst you’re on tour!" She winked, Tom laughed and Terri disappeared back to the flat, shutting the door behind her,

"Wow, now just wait and see what Nathan's reaction is..." Alex muttered, I sighed,

"Well make him see the real Hollie, don't worry hun!" Tom pointed out, Alex smiled hopefully, I put my arm round her for support, we walked back and opened the door and fingers crossed this all goes smoothly...

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