Part 22 - It's out.

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*Terri's POV*

'Nathan Sykes' new love blossoming but will it all stay that way?

Nathan's girlfriend, 19 year old Hollie has a lot to explain for herself. Hollie Taylor was seen at a nightclub in London eating the face off a young man, probably about the same age as her. It's only been days since the relationship was announced but is it over before it even started? A few days back when Hollie was opened to the 'fanmily' by a tweet from Nathan;

@NathanTheWanted: Right guys, clearing up any rumours, yes I have a girlfriend. Her name is Hollie and she's amazing. Follow her - @omgitshollz - and be nice! #nohate! &I will never forget our beautiful #TWFanmily, I love you all too. Xx"

To the fans she wasn't as amazing and Nathan had made her out to be, as the hate comments were wide-ranging, we picked a few just to show you guys,

@iloveTW: Normally I'd leave this but this @omgitshollz girl seems like a using, selfish, heartless bitch. After all this crap with Dionne I thought he would have picked someone decent.

@TWaremylife4ever: @omgithollz Naythan is mine bitch. Go take a long run and 'accidentally' run off a cliff please. You'd be doing the fanmily and me a massive favour.

@imgladtheycameUK: @omgithollz go grab a ten metre diving board and dive off it into the middle of the ocean, least then you're not stealing anymore of our boys!

Some were nicer, but only a few...

@MeganTWSykes: aw, leave @omgithollz alone, she hasn't done anything wrong! And if @NathanTheWanted is happy then you all should be too. I think it's cute! xoxoxox

@TWFanmilyPoland: @NathanTheWanted has finally got himself a girlfriend... It's cute! @omgitshollz you lucky girl;)! X

She simply replied with an open and undirected tweet saying;

@omgithollz: Thanks for the supportive messages guys, means a lot. And the less supportive ones, er yeah, haters are only jealous! :)

But with these pictures all over the web we here at The Sun think they this will fuel the fans with more hate. We are yet to hear of what Nathan thinks of all this but soon as we know we shall update you all.'

This was the article about her. Hollie, that is. This is all she wanted. The fame and to publically humiliate Nathan. My phone buzzed, incoming phone call from Alex.

"You alright hun?"

"Yeah, you realised who's she's snogging though?"

"No, who?" I asked, looking back at my laptop screen,

"It's Harry" she let out a small sniffle,

"Aw, babe. I'm sorry. I can't really do much over the phone but the first thing we are doing is having a girly night in, just me and you!" I said down the phone,

"I'd like that, thanks Terri!" Alex chirped down the phone,

"Alex?" I heard a voice in the background, she sighed,

"T, I've got to go, I'll phone you later! Bye" and with that, she hung up.

This is all Hollie ever wanted. The publicity. And that's it. She used him and I can do nothing but hope that Nathan see's the bad side in Hollie and then we can all be happy again. Hopefully.

I mean, fingers crossed.

*Nathan's POV*

"Let's go!" I cheered,

"Yey!" Tom said, maybe to enthusiastically, I noticed Max giving Tom 'the look'. Jay and Siva stayed quiet and Alex turned away from me and started fiddling with the phone. All of them avoiding my gaze.

"Guys?" They all ignored me, what's up with them? I walked over to Alex and put my arm on her shoulder,


"Yeah Nath?"

"What's going on?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Erm" she looked at the floor before looking at all the others before finally looking at me, "Let's go somewhere else for this" she smiled slightly, I looked around at the boys, Jay nodded and followed Alex, I guess he was coming too.

"Nathan." Alex started soon as we arrived into a different room, just the three of us, down the corridor from the other one we were just in,

"What is it Alex?"

"Erm, you should probably read this." She stuttered, speaking in a near whisper, nothing could be that bad...

"Okay." I said taking the phone out of her hand and walking over to the seat.

Okay, maybe something can be this bad. But there's no evidence.

Hollie couldn't of done this... Right?

*Tom's POV*

We were about to go on in about an hour and a half so I went on checked on Alex and Nath, Jay left them just after Nathan threw everything everywhere. Stupid bitch shouldn't have cheated on him.

"You guys alright?" I asked, Alex appeared at the door, a tear running down her face,

"He's a mess" she whispered, I peered through over her shoulder, Nathan was sat on the sofa, head in hands.

"Nath?" I asked, waking into the room, he didn't look up, "mate, it'll be fine; you've got us and Alex. We're here for you, all of us. It'll be hard telling the fans but then it's over with. I promise none of us will leave you." I said softly. I knew Hollie wasn't right.

He looked up with at me,

"Thanks Tom." He croaked, swallowing before continuing, "Could you get it Alex for me?"

"Sure" I smiled, patting him on the back softly before walking back out.

*Alex's POV*

"Alex, Nath wants you!" Tom called; I smiled before going to the room Nathan is in. I arrived at the door, knocking before walking in,

"Nath, you alright?"

"I don’t know A" I sat down next to him, he broke down and started sobbing,

"It'll be alright! I promise I won't leave you." I said, sighing. This is why I hate my sister. She breaks hearts and leaves them to glue themselves together, every time. She won't even make contact, she breaks up with them through texts then blocks the number and goes to use another stupid boy. And they all fall into her trap.  

Every.  Single.  Bloody.  One.  Of.  Them. 

They're all stupid.  

And as for Harry, I text him earlier telling him I didn't want any more contact. Yeah, I just slagged my sister off for doing this by texts. But he cheated. I don't really give a crap anymore.

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