Part 19 - Personal.

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*Nathan's POV* 

Me and Alex were catching up, we steered clear of the incident on her birthday,

"So, how have you and Hollie been?"

"Erm, fine. How about you, met any boys?"

"I met one..." she said shyly,

"Aw, what's his name?"


"Aw, like my dog!" I told her, getting excited, although for one she already knew I had a dog and two it broke my heart slightly... She giggled and slapped my arm playfully. How I've missed her. Her phone started buzzing from beside her,

"Hold up, this is Harry calling!" I nodded as she pressed a button, holding her phone to her ear, walking out the lounge area and towards the kitchen area at the back of the bus. I sighed, going through my phone. I smiled at the memories. Many of the photos on my phone being pictures of me and Alex or me and Jess some even being the three of us. I got to the most recent ones, Alex disappearing and being replaced with Hollie's. Shit. I forgot about her. I dialled her number, it rung a few times before she picked up.

"Nath!" She screeched down the phone, I held it away from my ear, scrunching up my face slightly. She started giggling, I smiled. I loved her giggle, she's so cute. 

After an hour’s phone conversation I got off my phone, Alex was sitting next to me for the last 15 minutes of the conversation, she started pulling faces and imitating Hollie, it was horrible but funny.

"Right, truth of dare again?" Tom asked joining us in the lounge area, we all agreed and soon all six of us were sitting in a circle, 

"Nathan first!" Alex shouted pointing at me; I glared at her before poking her sides making her giggle. But I got forced into going first. After a while we started asking more personal questions,

"Alex, have you had sex yet? If so, when and who with?" Tom asked, she turned slightly pale and froze, I knew, but so did everyone at the time...


"Tom! That's really personal, you shouldn't ask that!" Siva told him,

"Sorry Alex!" Tom said, realising how uncomfortable she was, she smiled at all if us before getting up and going to her bunk. I glared at Tom. That was way to personal. He held up his hands, I shook my head and got up myself, walking to where Alex had gone.

*Alex's POV*

"Alex, have you had sex yet? If so, when and who with?" I froze, goose bumps rising on my arms, I suddenly felt 5 pairs of eyes staring at me as I kept my head low. 

"Er..." My throat went dry and I suddenly felt weak. Just thinking about it was bad enough.

"Tom! That's really personal, you shouldn't ask that!" Siva told him, 

I smiled politely at them all before leaving the circle; it was almost a circle of trust. I walked back to my bunk, laying down, staring at the bottom frame to Nathan's bed which was above mine. I rolled over a tear rolling down my face. One after another. Nathan's arms were soon wrapped round me; I think this must have been the first time Nathan's seen me cry. He was gently rocking me backwards and forwards, calming me down. I relaxed but it all came back to me. But not what I was previously thinking about. This time about the club the other night. The visions of bumping into Hollie. Twice. With two different men. Her tongue down their throats both times...

*Emma's POV*

I had a text from Libby.

From Libby:

Wanna come round mine? Mums gone! X

I spoke to Terri and Sunny. They soon replied and we all met up at Libby's. I was starting to really get to know these girls and hopefully it a stays calm between us. It was kind of weird without Alex but I guess we've got another few weeks.

We sat round gossiping then Terri let out some vital information.

"Well Hollie's cheated on Nath..." soon she realised what she'd said. She covered her mouth, Sunny, Libby and I exchanged looks before all looking back at Terri,

"What?" Sunny managed to stutter out,

"We were at the club, Alex came over to find me and afterwards we stumbled into her, eating the face off some guy." I couldn't help but gasp, "That wasn't the only time either, she was at it earlier that night, Alex see her before that too. But she doesn’t want to tell Nathan. Scared if he believes her that Hollie will cause more shit, and if Nathan doesn't believe her then she's lost everything she's just re-gained..." She explained. We all nodded, knowing what she meant,

"Bitch." Libby muttered, but the room was silent so we all heard, earning 3 'mmmmm's in response. Soon enough we were on the sofa's watching Friends, taking our minds off what had been said. 

*Jay's POV*

I walked past Nathan who was cradling and rocking Alex, like a baby, in his arms smiling at Nath, and walking to the kitchen, put the kettle on and walked back,

"Nath, you want a cuppa?" I asked,

"No thanks mate!" He shouted back faintly. I sighed. Only Tom would ask a question like that not knowing he'd upset someone. He didn't mean too, but that was just a tad to personal. I don't think he quite gets that some people don't go about shouting their sex life... Unlike him.

*Tom's POV*

Max knows I've been texting a girl called Lisa, but he hasn't realised that it's Lisa, as in one of the dancers. I don't really care anymore, she's already agreed to meet up and go on a date after tour. We're getting along great and during the concert I can't help but stare a few times. Of course without making it to obvious. My phone buzzed. Another message from Lisa,

"Aw, Tom! Is that...-" Max started saying,

"My mum, yeah. Why?" I said sharply, trying to stop 'Lisa' leaving his mouth, he opened his mouth to speak again but I glared at him, signalling for him to shut up. Which he did. I smiled before opening the text,

From Lisa:

Heya, we've got two hours before the show and I'm bored, wanna go grab a Starbucks quickly? Really need one:) X

I smiled, replying,

To Lisa:

Hiya! And sure, I'll meet you at the back of the arena? Boys still don't know:) X

I had a reply almost instantly,

From Lisa:

Aw, Parker's actually managed to keep a secret!;) And sure, I'll be there in 5! X

I didn't bother replying, I put my phone on the side, grabbing my hoodie and some trainers, shoving them on, before grabbing some money and phone. 

"I'll be back later guys!" I shouted before pulling my hood up and walking to the back of the arena and waiting for Lisa to arrive.

*Lisa's POV*

I walked round to the back of the arena, Tom was already stood there. Even in a pair of jeans and a random jumper he looked good. He smiled when he saw me; I walked closer until I finally got to him.

"Hey Lisa" He smiled once again,

"Hi Tom!" I replied, we started walking towards Starbucks, Tom's hood up so he had less chance of getting recognised. We soon arrived and I ordered our drinks, Tom going to find a table. Tom tried paying for the drinks but me being me argued and pushed him away. I smiled at the cashier as I handed her my money and took my drinks. I found Tom he was sitting by the window but facing away from it so he couldn't be spotted by people in the street.

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