Part 23 - Nathan's birthday.

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*Months later*

*Nathan's POV*

"Happy Birthday Nath!" Alex shouted jumping on the bed, 

"Alright Alex, get off me!" I moaned turning over, 

"It's your birthday Nath! You're 17 for god’s sake! Now get your lazy arse up!" she moaned again, 

"Shhh!" I whined, placing a pillow over my head.  

"Fine then!" She huffed, soon enough the bed went cold. I rolled over and see Alex lying in bed next to me. 

"Alright there?" I smiled, 

"Yeah actually, your beds comfortable!"  

"Nathan, breakfast!" Tom shouted from downstairs, I immediately sat up straight,  

"Alex, get me my joggers?" I asked, giving her the puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine!" she got up and handed me my joggers, I got up now just standing in my boxers.

*Alex's POV* 

Nathan got up, leaving him in his boxers. I hid my face as redness crept to my cheeks at the fact of just seeing Nathan in his boxers. I'd normally be fine with this but you see over the past few months I've been feeling something weird for Nathan, one single touch sends me butterflies. I haven't spoken to anyone about it; I mean we're best friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Right? 

We made our way downstairs and sat at the side, waiting for food. Max, Jay and Siva were off getting things for tonight but had just arrived home. 

"So what you boys doing?" I asked, sipping the fresh orange juice from the glass in front of me, which was Nathan's but he's drinking tea so I highly doubt he wants both.  

"Well we're going to a paint-balling place you know what one I'm talking about?" Max asked handing me a plate with a sausage sandwich on.  

"No?" Nathan interrupted,  

"It's one of those places where you run round and hide the you have these gun things that shoot tiny balls of paint at people" Jay explained, 

"I know what paint-balling is you twats but it hurts!" Nathan whined, 

"Grow up Nath! Later the girls are coming round so I think we should play something like hide and seek in the dark and then order some food and watch loads of films seeing as we have tomorrow off!" Max said, 

"Jayne, Martin and Kev are coming round at about 6ish to see Nath" Siva told us, 

"I'm glad you remembered!" Tom mumbled, 

"Saying that, how’s you and Lisa?" I asked, the boys all looked at me as if I really shouldn't have asked that so I prepared to have my head bitten off.  

"It's been going great thanks. I'm taking her out on Saturday!"  

"You two officially together or what then?" Max asked, surprised that Tom had told us that much already.  

"We're taking things slow but yeah, we’re together!" Tom smiled,  

"Aw, you cutie!" I giggled, reaching over and pinching Tom's cheeks.  

We talked over breakfast and I ran upstairs to get my stuff before heading home.

*Terri's POV*  

"I'M HOME!" Alex shouted slamming the front door and running into my room within seconds of each other.  

"Alright there?"  

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