Part 14 - Studio.

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*Terri's POV*

Me, Siva, Emma, Jay, Libby, Sunny, Max and Tom were sat around in the front room, cringing at some of Max's dad jokes, Max and Sunny, Siva and Em, Jay and Libby, Nathan and Hollie were all together now, leaving Tom on his own, being the only one single, I just hoped that he'd find someone soon.

*A month later*

*Hollie's POV*

Me and Nath are stronger than ever, he doesn't see Alex anymore, and he's wrapped around my finger, to him, I've got a halo but as I've said before, to many others I haven't. I don't see how the boys haven't talked him outta this but to be honest, it's to my advantage, so I'm not complaining, I'm just not sure what to do anymore, I've got to think of a way to get to him...

*Max's POV*

It's been 2 weeks and none of us have seen Alex, Nathan and her had another argument and he told her that he never wanted to see her, this time he meant it, she left that day and we haven't seen her since, so much has changed though, we've been to Croatia to film the video for Heart Vacancy - which is released in 3 days, Nathan hardly spends anytime here, he's convinced we still see Alex so he just stays away from the house. Terri's the only who's seen her, obviously because she lives in the same flat as her, apparently she's been meeting this boy, Harry, not entirely sure why but they slept together when she went out 3 weeks or so ago.

At the moment we was in a meeting about our next single and the album, also the tour we're organising, we were sat brainstorming, we'd recorded most songs for the album, one's such as Personal Solider, Made, Weakness, Behind Bars, A Good Day For Love To Die, Heart Vacancy, Replace Your Heart, All Time Low, Say It On The Radio, Lets Get Ugly an Lose My Mind - the new single - leaving us to record 3 other songs. We talked about what we wanted to call the album but with no ideas we self titled it - The Wanted. Next was the tour, we had a few dancers, 5 to be exact, one for me, Tom, Nath, Jay and Siva. Tom's eyes widened, 5 girls touring with us for at least a month, we were going over to Ireland to do some more gigs as well, meaning we'd be away from home for 6 weeks, the girls had agreed to come to the London date then we'd go to do the last two dates of the tour in Ireland before doing some other gigs Jayne had planned. We'd finished up on the single and left for the day, we had to be back in the studio early tomorrow so we could record Hi and Low, Golden and The Way I Feel. Nathan walked off the other way, going to Hollie's whilst me and the boys had made our way back, we'd spoken to Jayne, after tour we were moving house, the girls could come and live with us if they wanted, also Terri and Alex but we wasn't so sure, we haven't said anything to them, well I have to Sunny, but the boys don't know that...

To Sunny:

You coming to the house or am I coming to yours? X

I joined in the conversation about tour, this is going to be our first tour - Behind Bars. After this we stop for Christmas and then get straight back into the studio. My phone started buzzing from the pocket of my trousers,

From Sunny:

I'll come to yours, need to get out of this flat... X

Most days Sunny would come to mine, she'd always said she needed to get out of the flat, her and Emma would normally come, I offered everyday that we were meeting to go to Sunny's but she always preferred her coming to the house, I didn't think much of it and shrugged it off.

*Jay's POV*

Me and Libby are going great, it was kinda weird at first, like going from bestfriends to a couple but after a couple of days we got used to it, to be honest not much has changed, like we always used to cuddle on the sofa, we used to share a bed when she slept here or I slept at hers - as bestfriends in case you thought differently - after the new single is released in 3 days we get a few days off so I'm taking Libby back to Nottingham so we can tell everyone we're together, I haven't been back home in the last month or two and neither had Libby, we can't wait to get back. I smiled to myself as I walked in the house and text Libby,

To Libby:

Just got home, you finished work? X

My phone buzzed almost straight away, but not from Libby,

From Alex:

Hey bird, sorry I haven't seen you guys, how about we meet up soon? It's weird not having the madness of it all around me:) and how’s the girls?

I typed a reply,

To Alex:

Course, it's been quiet without you too! I think we're at the studio tomorrow, then we have a early writing session Saturday, so we could meet up in the afternoon? And the girls are all good!

I smiled to myself, maybe we could actually get Nathan to see the real Hollie, he brought her round here a few days ago for the first time, which was the first time we'd seen her since Alex's birthday. I smiled as my screen lit up, caller ID - Libby.


“Hey hun” I replied, my smile turning into a grin.

“I've just finished work, so I'll be round in a hour or so? I'm going to get changed and then I'll meet you at yours?”

“Okay, I spoke to Alex by the way!”

“Did you?”

“Yeah, she wanted to meet up and she asked how you all were, I'm waiting for reply now!”

“Okay, well I'll see you soon, bye, I love you.”

She hung up the phone, she always has done, she's never given people enough time to reply, I logged onto twitter, looking through my timeline, creeping, yes I do it a lot, but it's nice to see what the fans do when we're not online. I smiled as most was tagging Nathan in their tweets, he hadn't gone public but Jayne said it'd be best to soon. He ignored her to be honest, not one of us like Hollie, when she came round here the other day, it was only for 5 minutes and she'd already had an argument with Tom and was slagging off Sunny. Nathan was upstairs of the time, every time we spoke to her she'd come back with a sarcastic comment or something, but as soon as Nathan was around she was all sweet. We're just going to have to show him her bad side.

*Siva's POV*

We just got home and I was texting Em, her and Sunny were on the way round, I want to ask Emma if she'd move in with us, but she wanted to take this slow, it could be the next step in our relationship but again it could be the breaking point, I was interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door, and it was pushed open gently, I smiled, Em was standing there, she'd been here most days at the moment, everyday she gets she'll come round. I love being around her though, we basically live in each other’s pockets, for some relationships it's unhealthy, but for ours it's great, when she's at work, we text, unless she's in a meeting, when I'm at work, I text as often as I can and soon as we both finish work we arrange to meet up, and I know being away from her for a month is going to kill me - but it's all part of the job and I wouldn't change it for anything!

Emma smiled as she sat down next to me, I kissed her softly and I could feel her smiling into it, when I moved away from the town I grew up in, I'd never thought I'd be able to find Emma, I could never find her on Facebook and I even searched Twitter, could never find her, and I was hoping that when I moved to London, maybe I could find her and I have. Once again she interrupted my thoughts by waving her hand in front of my face giggling,

"Hey you" she giggled, I turned to her and pouted, making her giggle even more, she's cute. But I have to ask her.

"Em, we spoke to Jayne earlier, me and the boys have got to move house, only round the corner but still, she said that you girls can move in with us, so will you? I know we said we'd take it slow but I'd really like you too." she paused, - not a good sign, I sighed before turning back to her,

"Course I would."


"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it" she giggled.

"Shhh" I poked her sides, and before I knew it she'd got up and run out of the room, knowing that I'd tickle her, I got up to go after her only to hear

"Watch it" shouted, I looked down the staircase and see Hollie standing there. Great.

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