Part 18 - Whoops.

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*Hollie's POV*

I grabbed my laptop and logged into my twitter account, my mentions were going crazy. I ignored them all and typed in Nathan's user name to the search bar, clicking the first result and looking on his profile, I smiled at the 3rd tweet down from top.

@NathanTheWanted: Right guys, clearing up any rumours, yes I have a girlfriend. Her name is Hollie and she's amazing. Follow her - @omgitshollz - and be nice! #nohate! &I will never forget our beautiful #TWFanmily, I love you all too. Xx

Now that's clear, time to look at my mentions, some were sweet and caring, other were real nasty, well, they're all gonna hate me after the next two weeks. I smiled, replying to the haters, and then writing a tweet to everyone,

@omgithollz: Thanks for the supportive messages guys, means a lot. And the less supportive ones, er yeah, haters are only jealous! :)

Within seconds my mentions went crazy again. Part 2 can finally begin.

*Libby's POV*

It's already so quiet without the boys and it's only the second morning, I grabbed my phone off my beside table, I already had a text,

From Jay:

Morning beautiful. X

He's actually so cute, I typed a reply quickly before rolling out of bed and getting in the shower, after 10 minutes I was out with a towel wrapped round me, I grabbed my clothes for today and got dried and dressed before blow drying and straightening my hair. I smiled to myself, for once in my life, everything seems to be going right, I had another text from Jay when I went back to my phone,

From Jay:

How are you? And Alex and Nath are practically bestfriends again! X

I smiled at this one, for once, one of the boys plans worked, I text back,

To Jay:

I'm great thanks, how about you? And really?! One of yours and the boys plans worked :O Take a picture while you can, they last longer ;-) X

I smiled to myself as I walked downstairs and turned on the radio, All Time Low was playing I skipped round the kitchen getting the cereal, milk, a bowl, spoon, glass and the fresh juice before making breakfast and putting it back, I sat down as the song finished, listening to the radio,

"Right, now we have one of the boys on the phone, I do believe it's Jay."

"Hiya!" Yep that's definitely Jay.

"So how’s it being on tour?" the radio presenter asked,

"It's been great, we're all having fun, although I'm missing my girl." I choked as the words came through the radio. Well done Jay, none of the public know we're together yet, but they probably will now,

"So you've got yourself a girl then McGuiness?" he woman asked, treading lightly,

"Yeah!" Jay said brightly, well we're public now!

"What's is she like and how did you two get together?" the woman pushed, trying to dig a little deeper,

"Her names Libby, she's gorgeous! Oh and she's my best friend, she moved to London shortly after me, then about a month ago I asked her to be my girlfriend, she agreed and we've been together since then!"

"Aw, that's cute, so you heard it here first, Jay McGuiness has a girlfriend, the TWFanmily will be devastated, this along with Nathan's announcement last night. Thanks for phoning in Jay, good luck with the rest of the tour and hope to hear from you and the boys soon!"

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