Chapter 1

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The intense lights danced around us as the club played City Girs Act Up. My hand tightly clutched the green Dos Equis bottle that I was holding as my cousin, Janae, handed me another shot "what is it?" I ask already starting to feel intoxicated from all the other drinks I've had "Bacardi, drink up buttercup" she says with a giggle and drowns her shot with ease.

Hesitantly, I raise the glass to my lips and drink the white liquid instantly cringing at the taste of it "that one is my least favorite" I say handing her back the glass she laughs "I'm gonna put these back"

I take a big gulp of my beer in attempt to get rid of the bitter taste from my Bacardi "hey," a male voice says distracting me I squint my eyes in hopes to get a better look at him although due to the intense lighting it seemed like an impossible task but from what I could see he was decently cute.

"What's your name?" He asked with a noticeable accent "Valentina" I answer with a giggle and take a sip of my beer "yours?" I ask "Luke"

"So what is a girl as pretty as yourself doing here by herself" he asked walking closer to me allowing me to get a somewhat better look at him "I'm not alone I'm here with my cousin" I say pointing behind him to Janae who was already speaking to a guy.

Luke chuckled "I think my bandmate has her pretty occupied" bandmate? "Can I buy you something to drink?" He a sked I nod my head In acceptance "sure"

"Come on" he says grabbing my hand and leading me towards the bar "what do you want to drink?" He asked "Im cool with anything" I respond with a giggle he calls the bartender over to us "two shots of Don Julio" he says to her she nods and begins making our drinks

"I love your accent"I say to the somewhat blurry face

"Thank you," he says with a chuckle and hands me the shot glass and a lime he raises his glasses towards me and I do the same to him causing our glasses to clink before we drown the white liquid.

My face cringes at the taste and I quickly take a bite of the lime "you would think you would get used to the taste" he says setting the glass down I nod "after the 6th shot they taste like water to me that's dangerous" I comment causing him to laugh

"Another round please" he says to the bar tender handing her a $20 "it's fine I got it you paid the first time" I say opening my phone case to retrieve my money he quickly stops me "that's cute, thank you for offering but I got it" he says with a smile





After the 5th shot with Luke I lost count of how many drinks I have had not including the ones I had previously taken with my cousin "do you wanna dance?" Luke screamed over the loud music that was playing Bad Bunny's and Drake's MIA.

"YEAH!" I scream back to him with a smile "let's go," I say and grab him by his wrist and make our way over to the dance floor.

He grips my waist as I start swaying my hips inches from his crotch "you're really hot" I comment with a giggle as I turn to face him and swing my hands around his neck

Time seemed to be of unimportance with look it was nearing two in the morning and we found ourselves yet at the bar again about to drown another shot of Don Julio "Luke, she gave me water" i say with a laugh "this isn't alcohol" I say shaking my head

He begins to laugh "youre verrrrrryyyy drink" he says with a slur "i meant drunk!" He says with a giggle.

"Luke let's go" A man whose face I couldn't make out says "nooooo don't leave me" I say holding on to him "give me your number" he says handing me his phone

I attempt to the best of my ability type my number in and save it and he does the same

"Valentina, you too come on, let's go" Janae says grabbing me by my arm forcing me to walk with her "have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask with a stupid grin on my face "because I love you a lot" I finish as we make our way outside to get to our Uber

"Can you please try to act sober when we get to my house?" She questions as we get in the vehicle I stop laughing and begin to nod seriously but fail and double over laughing

"I- swear I'll try" I say in between laughs

My brain hurt from how hard I was trying to remain quiet in the car and that was the last thing I remembered from tonight.

**hi guys I hope you enjoyed this vote and comment your thoughts**

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