Hangovers and Text Messages

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Valentina's p.o.v.

My body rolled over to the other side of the bed as the sun peeked through the curtains. I groggily open my eyes and yawn to find my cousin starring at me

"Good morning sleeping beauty" she says with a smile "don't stare at me like that it's creepy" I say and duck under the duvet of her bed "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she said with a laugh "my head is killing me" I say peeling the cover away from my face "I'm sure it is here" she says handing me two pills of what I'm assuming is Advil.


"We were so gone last night dude I thankfully texted Adriel before anything too bad happened" she says with a laugh "yea I remember you making out with some guy" I state as I pop the two pills and grab the water beside me

"Not just any guy sweetie, It was Calum Hood" she says with a wide grin my eyes widened "stop lying bitch. Calum hood? As in the bass player for 5 Seconds Of Summer. That Calum?" I question making her roll her eyes

"Yes bitch I mean I was drunk but not as drunk as you dude," she says with a laugh "you were dancing with the devil himself Luke Hemmings," she says making my eyes widen "was I that drunk that I couldn't tell it was them?" I ask with a laugh she nods "oh yeah"

"he liked you though he asked for your number which you happily gave to him," she says shoving my shoulder slightly making me blush as if on cue my phone dinged with a new message

"is it him?!" she asked before I even had a chance to unlock my phone I opened my messages only to be disappointed to see a text from Adriel

From : Adriel🤪
You guys okay?

I groan "no its only adriel" I answer with a sigh

To: Adriel 🤪
Yes we're fine thanks for last night 😘

My phone dinged again but this time it was an unknown number

From: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Hey, it's Luke, you gave me your number at the club last night?

My heart stopped as I showed Janae the message "answer him!" she exclaims excitedly "not yet I don't want him to think I'm desperate" she rolled her eyes "you're so weird," she says with a laugh

I quickly save Lukes number but ignore his message deciding to respond to him in a few hours.

**hi you guys hope you enjoyed this vote and comment your thoughts!**

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