"Do you like Starbucks?"

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^^what she's wearing minus the shoes (a/n the model is not Valentina)
Valentina's p.o.v.

It had been a few hours since Luke had texted me I was now in the comfort of my own home with a blanket over me as I watched This is the End the time on my phone read 6:31pm it's been a little more than a few hours

My thumb opened my messages and hesitantly opened up Luke's contact name

To: Luke Hemmings
Heyy I'm so sorry I had gotten busy and forgot to respond . But yea I remember you what's up?

I shakily press the send button and almost immediately the text bubbles popped up on the screen "shit" i mutter quietly to myself and exit as quickly as possible I soon after received a text back.

With a nervous breath I opened up his text message and continued to read it

From: Luke Hemmings
It's okay don't worry about it I actually thought you wouldn't have responded to me😂

I smile reading the message and type back.

To: Luke Hemmings
What makes you think that?🤔

From: Luke Hemmings
You're obviously a very beautiful girl I figured you would have better offers

To: Luke Hemmings
I'll have you know I actually do not 😂 i dont really get out much lol

From: Luke Hemmings
Do you like Starbucks? My band is going to be here for another day and I would love to see you again.

Was he really asking me out? I began hyperventilating thinking about it "okay Valentina breath" I say to myself before typing back a reply

To: Luke Hemmings
Yea that would be great! Just let me know when and where.

Was the exclamation point too much? I think to myself after sending the message I shrug my shoulders. Either way it's too late I had already sent it.

From: Luke Hemmings
There's a Starbucks about 5 minutes from my hotel I don't know how far that is from you but here's the address.

I quickly click the map and it shows it's only a 15 minute drive from me which isn't too bad.

To: Luke Hemmings
Yea it's about 15 minutes from where I live I'll be there in about 20 or 25 minutes :)

From: Luke Hemmings
Okay that's fine I'll see you then :~)

My index finger locked my phone and I set it next to me I grabbed one of my pillows and started screaming into it "I'm going out with Luke Hemmings!" I say excitedly after removing the pillow from my face

Then realization hit "I'm going out with Luke Hemmings" I say starting to panic I look down at what I'm wearing which is a shirt from my high schools marching band with some black velvet pajama shorts I quickly get up and begin to change.

Looking through my closet I decide on a forest green long sleeve cropped top and a pair of dark blue jeans with my white converse I apply a light amount of make up not wanting to look over the top.

I grab my phone and wallet and leave my bedroom to find my parents in the living room

"Mom I'll be back" I say to her "a donde vas?" She asks turning her head "im going to Starbucks with Janae for a little bit and we're hanging out she nods "no tardes mija con cuidado por favor" she says giving me a kiss "yes ma'am I'll be careful" I say with a smile "can I take the car?" I ask she nods and points towards the keys.

"Bye love y'all!"

*** hi guys I hope y'all enjoyed this vote and comment your thoughts***

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