Talk Fast

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Luke's p.o.v.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I made it to the hotel we were staying at for the night, which conveniently happened to be a street over from the Starbucks I met Valentina at.

My hand dug around the pocket of leather pants as I searched for the key to the room I shared with Ashton, the key weaves through my fingers as I swept it in front of the door to get it to unlock.

"What was the problem?" I ask as I walk into the room to find Ashton laying down face up with his phone above his face "they moved our rehearsing schedule for tomorrow's San Antonio show from 4:00pm to 1:00pm I just thought you should know" he says facing me and giving me a dimpled smile before returning his attention back to the phone.

"That's it? That was the emergency?" I question him annoyed he nods "yeah just thought you should know that and I missed you" he says giving me a smile but not tearing his gaze from his phone.

"I was kinda in the middle of something when you interrupted me Ashton" I say to him annoyed as I sit on my bed.

"What could be more important than me?" He questioned faking being hurt

"I was actually on a date"

"Really?" He questions sitting up and stares at me for the first time since I walked in I nod in response "with who?" He questions as I sit on the bed "some girl i met at the club yesterday night her name is Valentina" I say with a smile

He stares at me with a puzzled look "what?" I question he shrugs "nothing" he says shaking his head "come on, what?" I question again "it's just I didn't know you were over Arzaylea I'm happy for you" he says giving me a genuine smile

I sigh "I'm not completely over her yet but I'm getting there this new girl she's- she's perfect" I say running a hand through my hair "she's smart, pretty, funny, she has a great personality"

"Im happy for you man it's great to see you getting back out there but just be careful I don't want you getting hurt again" he says placing a supporting hand on my shoulder.

"I know" I reply not really knowing what else to say to him

"If anything happens you'll know I'll always be here to help you pick up the pieces just like the last time" He says with a big smile making smile as well

"I know thank you buddy,"

My lips turn into a smile as I see her name pop up on the screen "thank you for today, I had a great time hope to see you again soon. Be safe" I decide to leave the message at that i set my phone on the side.

Even if this doesn't last or go anywhere I'm going to enjoy my time with this girl and finally start letting myself be happy

*** hi guys I hope y'all enjoyed this vote and comment yalls thoughts****

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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