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Luke's p.o.v.

A nervous breath escaped my lips as I entered the almost empty coffee shop, my eyes scanned around the room until they landed on a Hispanic girl that was sitting by herself looking through her cellphone.

My feet shuffled towards her until before I knew it I was standing in front her table "Uh Valentina?" I asked unsure if she was the girl from the messages or not she quickly stood up from her chair and gave me a smile "hey Luke, how are you?" She asked giving me a hug

I chucked nervously "I- Um better now that I actually know it's you" I answer her and sit sitting down across from her

"Are you not going to get anything?" She asked pointing a finger towards I shook my head "no I'm not" I say with a smile

"Can I just say that you're way prettier than I remember you being" she blushed at my comment and looked down "you're not too bad yourself Luke" she says throwing me a smirk

"Tell me about yourself" I say settling my elbows on top of the table


"That did not actually happen?" She questions with a laugh as I tell her a story of something that had happened to Michael during a drunken night out

"I don't know at what point of the night he decided he wanted to become a drag queen so we took him to a drag bar and they fixed him up his name was Donna Clitoris he preformed and everything the next day he woke up extremely confused" I tell her in between laughs

"I- I can't" she replies out of breath from laughing

My phone rings loudly interrupting our laughter I sigh and look down to see Ashtons name pop up on the screen.

"Yes Ashton?" I say with a sigh annoyed

"Where are you? We're having  some issues with the rehearsing schedule that we need you to resolve" he says making me groan in annoyance

"Can't you guys take care of that?" I ask and hold up a single finger to Valentina asking her to give me a minute do which she nods to

"No we need our frontman here asap"

I sigh "fine I'll be there in about five minutes" I say and hang up on him

"You have to leave already?" Valentina asked as I stood up to put my jacket on I nod "some last minute band stuff I have to take care of I'm sorry" I say pleadingly

She shakes her head "it's perfectly fine I understand" she says giving me a smile "hopefully we can do this again soon?" I ask she nods "yeah for sure just let me know when ever I know you're a busy man" she replies I chuckle as we exit the coffee shop "I'll see you later Luke" she says giving me a hug before we part ways

"See you later Valentina" i say and watch her get into her car "see you later"

**i hope y'all enjoyed this vote and comment your thoughts***

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