Sticking Together

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Since Pike was taken, the group thought they would be able to return back to their home

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Since Pike was taken, the group thought they would be able to return back to their home. That is until they received a weird call from Jasper. Arkadia was not safe.

"I don't understand it either. Something about those chips." Monty spoke trying to piece together the rushed information they had just been given.

"We'll know soon enough. Be ready." Sinclair tried to settle everyone down. They had just turned Pike over and now they still weren't allowed to return home.

Octavia had had enough of sitting around waiting. Her kill was robbed to help them survive. She felt as if she never belonged among them and it was herself against the world. She couldn't sit there and act as if everything was okay. She needed to get away.

She moved to her belongings and began to gather them. Her actions caught the attention of those around her.

"O, wait. You can't just leave." Bellamy tried to reason with his sister into staying with them.

"Watch me." Octavia replied back determined to leave them behind.

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia is not safe." Bellamy stated hoping to get her to stop.

As they spoke, Fox began to wonder what would happen to them. Surely Nia wouldn't want them to just return to Arkadia after everything had happen. She even swore herself to her clan, she couldn't go back and if she couldn't go they wouldn't either. Fox thought of Octavia's reasoning and knew it was a better choice for them. They would have to leave too, at least until Octavia's next words.

"What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead." Octavia had spoke to her brother. The loss of Lincoln still weighing heavily among them.

Fox realized she was right. Lincoln hadn't been given the proper burial that he deserved. Him and Alec deserved more than what they got. They deserved to be honored like those before them but instead they got an untimely death to prove a point.

"I know that. Me and Monty put Alec on a pyre and burned it." Bellamy said remembering the first time this had happened. The guilt rose inside as he thought of Nia's cry. "And then what? Where are you gonna go?" His main concern at that point was keeping his sister safe but if she was fighting against him, it would make it so much harder.

"You don't get to ask me that." Octavia fought back.

"What more do I have to do to prove that I'm on your side?" Bellamy expressed trying to find a way for them to work together. He couldn't help them if they didn't trust him.

"Bring Lincoln back." Octavia replied making everyone go silent. "Turning Pike in did not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong."

"The Grounders were starving us out." Bellamy stated the reasoning behind his actions.

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us." Octavia remind them all of the action that got them to that point.

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