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"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage

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"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage. Seeing as how we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach Luna's village." Jasper pointed out the predicament that they were currently in.

"At least, we know we're going the right direction." Bellamy said from his spot behind the wheel. Clarke sat beside him while Jade sat beside Jasper looking over his shoulder at the journal, Fox and Octavia across from them.

No matter how hard he tried to keep them in Arkadia with the others, the two girls wouldn't budge on their decision to go. So there they sat on their way to find Luna.

"We're running out of daylight. We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery." Jasper offered a chance for a break.

"What sun?" Clarke pointed out the large cloud that loomed over them. "We keep going until it dies."

"We keep going until we get to Luna." Octavia retorted determined to find Luna seeing how Lincoln had spoke so highly of her helping others.

"This her?" Jasper questioned once he reached a picture of a woman with wild curls.

"Yes." Octavia replied but the picture seem to spark something in Fox and Nia. They had seen that picture before with no acknowledgement of knowing it was Luna.

"That's Luna?" Fox asked as she recalled the story Nia had told them.

"Yes." Octavia confirmed with a questionable look at her.

"Nia told us a story about her but she never told us her name." Fox cleared their confusion up.

"She told you about Luna?" Bellamy wondered aloud.

"Yes, the girl with the wild hair." Jade spoke up as she remembered the story.

"She was taken from her home just like Lexa. She was trained and trained like all the others until the time it came for one of them to rise. The first day came and her brother was dead. She had taken his life and it haunted her. So when the second day came she fled. She ran until she met the sea. She wanted to life a life away from the life they lived. Helping others with the same intent." Fox explained the story that Nia had told them.

They all listened intently as Jade tried to retell the story. The story had all similarities that Lincoln had explained to Octavia about Luna. Both siblings had known Luna.

With the story fresh on their mind Jasper asked how sure they were Luna would accept the Flame. But they were all convinced that Luna would help them just like she offered to help others. Their journey to Luna was halted when their path stopped. Octavia jumped out before others could tell her otherwise. Fox and Jade close behind as they went to find someone who might help them get back to Nia.

Bellamy was still hesitant to run in any direction they suggested as he had promised himself that he would keep them safe. But his promise was proving to become harder as Octavia still didn't trust his intent. Regardless of it all he would try his best to keep them safe.

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