Blast From The Past

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Everyone seemed to gather around the courtyard as King Roan of Azgeda was prepared to speak

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Everyone seemed to gather around the courtyard as King Roan of Azgeda was prepared to speak. Most would think that Azgedza was demonstrating their force of power by executing one of Skaikru. It came as a shock to Nia as she had thought that he had yet to woke up. But it seems at Skaikru was still working for an arrangement.

"I know you've all come here for an execution, but no one else will die here today." He began making everyone shift. "The City of Light has fallen and there is no commander left to rule us. Until another Nightblood ascends. I,-King Roan of Azgeda, eldest sone of Syra, grandson of Theo- and caretaker of the throne, and keeper of the Flame."

The information was surprising to Nia especially after Indra informed her that Clarke would not give the Flame to them. As he held it for all to see the sight alone angered Nia. He shouldn't have it. He shouldn't have a part of her. Who was Skaikru to give up something so sacred to ones who wanted nothing more than to rule over everything. They would only give up the Flame if it meant their clan would be one behind the nightblood commander.

"You're a King not a priest! This is blasphemy." A voice called out from the crowd making Nia turned her head. It wasn't long till her eyes settled on them. Memories flooded in as she placed the person.

"Not blasphemy. Order!" Roan called out hoping to hold his position among them. "Until another ascends, Azgeda honoes and will defend the coalition of the last true commander- Lexa kom Trikru,- including the 13th clan. Let it be known that an attack against Skaikru is an attack against us all."

People began to shuffle out and Nia didn't linger any longer. Since taking her command, Tate had yet to leave her side and if he had it would only be little distance between them. But as they waited for the announcement the girls had decided to join Nia's side. When she left she passed by Skaikru's group and took a moment to look at Clarke. The expression on her face spoke it all as the blonde tried her hardest not to seem intimidated. It had crossed her mind in giving Nia the Flame but she had chose to go with Roan thinking he would be their best option.

No matter what Nia was feeling at the moment, there seemed to be nothing she could do. Since they had left Indra at the meeting, Azgeda had taken it as an agreedment among clans. She wanted to fight back against them but they still didn't have the means. Now Azgeda holds the Flame and it seemed as the option of fighting was slipping away.

As Nia walked away she made sure to bump her shoulder against Clarke's making her stumble back a few steps. If it hadn't been clear before Nia was not one they wanted to face as an enemy and now it seems as if they would set themselves in that position.

Despite not having the foothold she wanted in Polis, she had to maintain Trikru's presence there. No one could trust Azgeda with their quick actions and they needed to be ready now more than ever.

"We need to get the death to their villages and the wounded out. We also need to bring in more warriors incase Azgeda begins to retract their statement." Nia listed their newest requirments in order for them to stand.

"We can send out parties of few to take them back and bring others here." Tate responded ready to carry out her actions.

"Good, we need them ready to leave soon." Nia spoke glad to have a solution so quickly.

A guard entered the embassy and announced that Skaikru wanted her presence to leave Polis. With Nia by their side, it would show Azgeda that they still had a truce among them, in case things went south with them.

"We can get everyone ready to go while you're out." Fox was quick to offer after noticing Nia's hesitation.

With that said, there would be nothing holding Nia to stay but to go. Fox was capable in organizing their tasks. While Jade would help make sure the wounded were able to move with limited restrictions. Nia nodded her head before making her way out of the embassy with Tate flanking her side.

The group waited as Echo would bring something that allowed Skaikru movement without facing threat. As the last time Echo chose to only speak with Bellamy making everyone stand and watch. It wasn't long till Bellamy came back with the medallion in his hand.

"Time to go." He announced as they were still looking for a soution for Praimfaya.

"We'll do our best to keep the King on his throne." Kane spoke making Nia roll her eyes once again. If the situation they were facing wasn't there then she'd be more than happy to remove him.

"We'll find a way to beat the radiation." Clarke responded confident in them surviving.

"If either of you screw this up, we die. No pressure." Octavia stated humorlessly making some to shoot her a look.

"This is serious, O. If anyone finds out why Roan helped us, it'll be every clan for itself. The King will fall, and they'll come after us." Bellamy retored bring the seriousness of the situation out but it didn't change her expression. 

"It's getting dark. Let's do this." Clarke broke the silence that spread among them.

Their good-byes were said as they were prepared to go their seperate ways. Even with her standing from the group Nia was able to catch the words that Kane spoke to Bellamy.

"You turn the page. You turn the page, and you don't look back. You do better today than you do yesterday. You understand? Before you know it, you'll deserve to survive. And you'll get them back." Kane said knowing all the guilt that Bellamy was still carrying with him. Knowing all that it had costed the boy in the short amount of time.

"I hope so." Bellamy responded not believing his actions would ever be forgiven especially by Nia. But right now that wasn't his main concern. He needed to find a solution that would save his family.

With them gone Nia and Tate made their way back to the embassy. She was pleased to see that her instuctions were carried out as there were hardly any wounded left. She made sure their security precautions were set before informing Tate of her leave which he reluctantly gave.

Her hood drawn over her head as she moved in the shadows of the capital. She was determined to keep the information she had to herself and away from Azgeda's ears. She entered the temple quietly and spotted the person's lingering shadow not far off.

"I wondered if that was you in the courtyard." Nia spoke out catching the person's attention. Slowly, the person emerged from their spot in the corner to face her. Nia pulled her hood off as the person kept their up. "The long lost warrior of Trikru."

"If it isn't the general of Trikru herself, to what does a priestess like me, owe the pleasure?" The person spoke out a hint of a smirk creeping onto her face.

"It's good to see you, Gaia." Nia addressed before taking a few steps forward and the two embraced. The two were comforted to see a familar face among a potential war among them.

"It's been too long." She added knowing the amount of time that had passed since they had once laid eyes on one another. They had once fought side by side and trained together but before long Gaia left to achieve another calling for her.

"What are you doing here in Polis? Shouldn't you be scouting for the next commander?" Nia wondered why her presence would lead her here. She should be searching for the next commander among them. And if she was privy to infromation her search wouldn't be far but Nia was withholding the information to herself.

"The other priests can handle it." Gaia responded noting her alterantive actions. "I came because the Flame cannot be left unprotected but now it lies in the hands of a red-blooded King."

Nia couldn't agree more with what she stated. She did not like the fact that the Flame was given to an enemy. She did not want Roan to hold Lexa from her and she would do what was necessary.

"What can I do to help?" She asked willing to go to extremes to get it back. If Skaikru worked agianst her then it wouldn't matter once they had it. She would not allow Azgeda to hold power over them.

A/N: It's a short chapter I know but it'll also be a long book.

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