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Nia opened her eyes and took in her surrounding

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Nia opened her eyes and took in her surrounding. Around her were tall buildings that reached the sky. It was nothing like Nia had ever seen. But the more she looked around the more she noticed how alone she was. Not a person in sight.

She had no idea what to expect but something told her that this wasn't it.

With many people taking the chip and how they all seem to be connected, she thought there should be someone other than her. She even began to wonder about ALIE, the great being that they all communicated with, where was she?

ALIE and Jaha had waited for Nia to appear moments after she had taken the chip but the girl never seem to show. Something was wrong.

"She should've appeared by now." Jaha pointed out wondering what might be wrong.

"I can't locate Nia kom Trikru among the others." ALIE informed as she tried to search for the girl's whereabouts. "This had never happened. We need to locate her quickly."

Not questioning ALIE's intentions every person chipped seem to look over their landscape. They needed to find Nia.

Hurrying down the sidewalks and through courtyards Nia ran trying to find someone, anyone. She stopped in a rather large courtyard and took a deep breath as she grasped what was happening around her.

"Nia." A voice sounded from behind her. The sudden sound of someone calling her had caught her off guard but that's not what made her blood freeze. It was the familiarity of the voice.

Slowly and cautiously she turned around and looked at them. A lump formed in her throat as she saw a person she never thought she'd see again.

"Lexa." She breath out as she stared at the brunette in front of her. "What-how-"

"That's not important. I don't have much time." Lexa expressed moving toward her. "You weren't suppose to take the chip, Nia. You were meant to fight."

"I couldn't do it anymore. I had lost you, Lincoln, and Alec. It hurt too much." Nia replied. "I couldn't fight without any of you there. I can't do this on my own."

"Zhalia." Lexa said softly pulling Nia into a hug. "You are a fighter. You always have been."

"I was losing myself and I had no one to help bring me back." Nia stated.

"You need to fight, Nia, if not for yourself, for those girls. They need you now more than ever, you can't leave them." Lexa persuaded. Nia should've never taken the chip and she should've kept resisting.

Nia sighed at the realization. She had given up quickly and without thinking about all the other consequences. The pain of losing everyone had overcome her senses and now she had taken the chip.

"I have located Nia kom Trikru but her program is different from the others. This has never happened before. All subjects were meant to be placed in the City of Light not taken to the aligning dimension." ALIE informed Jaha about the person they had been awaiting.

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