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My ears were ringing and the stage lights were suddenly blinding.  The show had been going on like usual, when all of a sudden, Lin changed up the lyrics.  The rest of the cast all stopped and gathered around us and Lin had dropped to one knee.  Was this really it?  Was he proposing?

I didn't really catch what he had said to me as he was there on one knee.  I think I caught, 'waking up in the morning', and 'better mother'.  I definitely caught his last sentence.

I held out my left hand and nodded, barely able to control the tears streaming down my face.  Lin grinned ear to ear and took the ring out of the box.  The audience roared as he gently placed it on my left ring finger.  Lin then stood up and he kissed me passionately.  Finally, a kiss on stage that showed our true feelings for each other.  The rest of the cast was clapping, cheering, grinning widely.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Molly and Cam run on stage.  They both wrapped their arms around the both of us, laughing and smiling.

Lin leaned down and picked Molly up, giving her a kiss on the cheek.  We stood there, facing the audience, as they continued to cheer.  A lot of women in the audience were crying.  We gave a wave and then disappeared off the stage.

Lin was laughing, giddy that he was able to pull this off.  I put a hand to my forehead, overwhelmed.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.  "Did that really just happen?!"

Lin grasped my hands and pulled me in for another quick kiss.  The rest of the cast was congratulating us and there was an air of celebration.  The girls were giddy as well, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Lin made me promise not to tell!" Molly told me, proud that she had been able to keep such a massive secret.  I knelt down and hugged her again.

"Good job, Molly,"  I told her.  "That was a huge secret to keep."

Lin knelt down next to me and pulled out another little box.

"Molly, I have something to ask you too," he told my daughter.  Molly looked at him, surprised.  He opened the box and showed her a little silver ring with a tiny heart in the middle.  She gasped in surprise.  Lin grinned and took it out of the box.

"Molly," he began.  "I know marrying your mom also means getting to have you as part of my family as well.  Since this will be such a big change for you, I want to ask your permission as well.  Molly, would you let me marry your mom and let me be your stepdad?"

She grinned and laughed, then nodded her head.  She adored Lin, so it was an easy answer.  Lin put the little ring on her right ring finger and laughed.  He kissed her cheek and Molly spread her hand out, admiring her new ring.  She went around person to person showing the whole cast.  We were taking a brief, unscheduled mini intermission due to the unexpected interruption.

"Lin, that was such a sweet idea," I told him honestly.

"It was actually Cam's idea," he told me, holding out his arm and pulling his daughter a little closer.  She smiled proudly as he hugged her to the side.

"Thank you, Cam," I told her.  "And, you know, I don't take this lightly.  I'm marrying your father, but I'm also gaining another daughter."

She smiled, but looked a little unsure.  I pulled her into my arms for a hug.

After the show, the whole cast went out to celebrate.  Lin's parents picked up the girls to take them home, and we all hit the bars.  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but I didn't care.  I'd never been happier than I was that evening.

We got home late – around 2 a.m. – and collapsed into bed.  Lin saw the girls off to school in the morning so I could stay in bed a little longer.  As I yawned and began to wake up, the sunlight caught on my new ring and I just spread my fingers to admire it.  I was engaged.  I was going to marry Lin-Manuel Miranda, the love of my life.  I rolled over, the happiest woman alive.

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