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I woke up to find Cam in between Lin and I.  She was on top of the covers and had our quilt on top of her.  I was a little puzzled because she seemed to be dead set on getting herself in trouble yesterday.  Lin and I both had a feeling she was craving attention and she was asking for it in the worst way.

Lin passed me Felix as he got up to get the girls going for school.  Once he'd sent them on their way, he picked up Raina and joined me in bed to help with feeding and snuggling with the twins.

"What was up with Cam last night?" I asked my husband as I nursed Felix.

"I think she wants attention" he said as he looked down at Raina in his arms.  "I've been trying to take her out to do things but she still seems off."

"Yeah," I agreed.  "You've talked to her about it?"

I knew Lin, and I knew he was very open with Cam.  If there was an issue going on, he always tried to talk it out with her.  They were close because of it.

"She wouldn't admit it, but that's what she wants," he said.

"I wonder if Molly being with her dad over the weekend set her off too," I mentioned.

"Yeah, I didn't think of that," he said, tucking his pointer finger in Raina's little fist.  Lin loved playing finger wars with her.  "I hope she drops this soon.  It's getting exhausting."

I nodded in agreement, exhausted myself.  The weekend had been emotional with Molly being gone.  I finally felt like I was back to myself when Austin returned her at about 8:00 last night.  She was happy to see me, but I could tell she wanted to be with her father.

We traded off babies, sinking into our rhythm.  Lin started coffee for us and we began a slow start to our days.  Checking email, watching the news, making calls, handing off babies.  I got a phone call from an unknown number around 10:00.  I usually didn't pick up, but I did.

"This is Philippa," I answered.

"Philippa, my name is Andrew Davis.  I'm with Davis and Mulholland Law Firm.  I'm calling in regards to custody of your child, Molly Chen.  Are you her mother?"

My heart stopped for a moment and I put my hand on the counter to steady myself.  "Y-yes," I stumbled.  "What's this about?"

"Your ex-husband would like to petition for a different custody arrangement," he said.  "Would you and your lawyer be able to come meet with Austin and me sometime this week?"

I was exasperated and saw red.  This was the way Austin was going to go about custody agreements?  By not even talking to me and having his lawyer do his work?

"Excuse me?!" I practically yelled.

"Ma'am, I understand this is a sensitive subject," he continued.  "We would like to meet instead of going to court."

I let out an exasperated sigh.  "My lawyer will be in touch with you."

I hung up and Lin walked over with a quizzical look on his face.  "What was that about?"

"Austin wants a different custody agreement," I spat, hands on my hips as I paced.

"He hasn't talked to you about it?"

"Nope," I let the 'p' pop in my mouth.

"Son of a-" he shook his head as he readjusted Raina in his arms.  I picked up my phone again and immediately called Austin.  He answered after two rings and must have known what was about to hit him.


"What the hell is wrong with you, Austin Chen?!" he yelled at him, feeling bile in my throat.  "You're not man enough to talk to me about this in person?!  You have your fucking lawyer call me?!"

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