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We spent the rest of the day lazing around the house.  These were the best days, and now that Pippa was done with Hamilton, they would be happening more often.  Now, Pippa could read Molly a story every night, and we could have some alone time together in the evening instead of in the mornings.

Now that things had settled down, I started thinking about the future more.  I'd always wanted more kids.  I had Molly now, which was amazing, but I wanted a kid with Pippa.  Our families had blended together and having a kid that was ours would seal it together.

With the jealousy issues Cam had with Molly, I wasn't sure how she'd respond to a baby.  I think most of the issue was that Molly was another kid who was suddenly taking some of my time away from her.  I think a biological sibling would be different, but I couldn't know for sure.  If we decided we wanted to try for a baby, we'd of course talk to the girls first.

That night, the girls were in bed and Pippa and I were cuddling on the couch.  I decided to broach the subject.

"Cam and Molly are growing up so fast," I commented, rubbing her hand with my thumb.

"They are," she agreed.

"Have you ever thought about having more kids?" he asked gently, looking over at her.  They hadn't really talked about the topic before.  They'd been busy with their own two girls.

"Yeah, I guess I always thought I'd have at least two.  Why?  Are you thinking about it?"

"Mmmhmmm," I told her, clasping her hand.  "I've always wanted another kid.  I wish Cam could've had a sibling more close in age, but the circumstances didn't work out."

Pippa nodded, thinking.  Babies were a lot of work, but it would be wonderful to have another child.

"Of course, you'd be doing most of the work up front," I acknowledged, rubbing her belly.  Pippa was so tiny that it was a wonder that she was able to carry a baby, but she'd done it before.

"Obviously," she grinned, putting her hand on mine.  "What about the girls?"

"We should ask them first I think," he told her.  "How do you think Molly will react?"

"She'll love the idea," Pippa said, and I thought that sounded pretty accurate.  It was Cam I worried about.

"I'm not sure about Cam," I admitted.  "She didn't handle Molly well, but Molly wasn't a baby."

"No," Pippa said.  "Maybe she'd be more open this time."

I realized the conversation seemed to be flowing assuming that we were going to have a baby.  Did that mean it was a go?

"So...are we gonna do this?" I asked her.

She turned to me and smiled.  "Well, let's see.  Are you going to massage my feet every night when they get swollen, and make late night runs when I have random cravings?"

I kissed her gently.  "Of course."

We kissed for several long moments.  We broke apart and Pippa got her phone out and immediately opened the app store.

"What are you doing?" I asked her curiously.

"We have to figure out when I'm most fertile," she said as she downloaded a fertility app.  I laughed at her organization.  She was going to take this seriously.  Pippa began to enter information into the app, and voila, it showed her most fertile dates.

"A week from now," she reported.  "We should have sex every night."

I grinned and nibbled her ear.  "Sounds good.  Wanna practice?"

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