Chapter 14

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Amelia's paper fluttered to the ground, forgotten. Her hands folded around Casey's head as their kiss deepened. Casey, in turn, reached into Amelia's hair and pulled out the elastic band keeping it up, grabbing a handful of hair in each hand, entangling his fingers through her sweaty but still silken strands.

There was a thought in the back of his mind that this wasn't the right thing to do, that she was his charge to protect, not fraternize with but there was no stopping what was started. It was a dam that had opened and there was no holding back the flood of emotions that were set loose upon the woman in his arms.

Amelia pulled away first, not releasing him from her embrace but allowing herself room to look up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, John," she said, blushing further reddening her already crimson face.

"What are you sorry for?" Casey asked, searching her face for any disagreeable sign. Amelia looked into his eyes for a moment before smiling widely and shaking her head.

"I'm not even sure, maybe for taking advantage of you?" she answered, uncertainly. Casey smirked and even let out a chuckle.

"I don't feel very taken advantage of at the moment," he replied back to her. Amelia chuckled back at him and leaned in to kiss him once more. Casey pulled back away from her reach and she was surprised to see a slight look of concern spread across his face. He held her face tenderly in his hands, searching her eyes. He wanted to take her in, all of her at that moment.

"You're not sorry?" Casey asked, finally. Amelia shook her head.

"I've never been more 'not sorry' in my life," she answered before he gathered her up in his arms and pressed his lips against hers again and again.

"Come on,"Casey said breathlessly. "How about we take this home?" Amelia smiled at him and nodded.

The ride home couldn't come fast enough for either of them, Casey barely was able to keep his focus on the road as he had one hand entwined with Amelia's. It was at almost every stop sign or stop light that he brought her hand to his lips as he looked at her, causing her to smile immediately without fail. He reveled in it, her expression brought glee to his face.

Casey parked the Crown Vic carefully and quickly got out of the car, walked around to Amelia's side and opened up her door. She fairly jumped into his arms and they stumbled as they walked into Casey's home, barely shutting the door before they tumbled onto his couch and were lip-locked again.

Ellie was on her way out of her home when she heard Casey coming up the walk. She raised her hand to greet him when she saw the same brunette from before wrapped up in her escort. Her jaw dropped and she quickly turned back around and walked into her home.

Devon looked up in surprise at her quick entrance.

"What's up babe? Did you forget your keys or something?" Devon asked. Ellie put her finger to her lips and walked away from the door, grabbing Devon by the arm and pulling him onto the living room couch.

"I just saw John Casey and that...that Amy girl. They were...kissing and...touching," she looked dead into Devon's eyes and leaned forward to whisper in a conspiring tone. "I didn't ever think I'd see John Casey with a romantic interest, especially with someone his daughter's age!"

"Awe, come on, sweetheart. He's an awesome dude, but he's always tense. Let the poor guy release some of that nervous energy, ya know?" he smiled and winked at his wife, who looked disgusted at him.

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